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KSP freezes all the time!

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I'm having serious issues with KSP. The game freezes all the time, mainly if I revert to launch, quickload, or just press "fly" on an already launched craft. That's so frustrating! I don't know, what is causing this, but I think it's an error with some mods. My Gamedata folder only takes about

894 mb, so I don't think it's because of RAM problems. Earlier, KSP worked just perfect. Sometimes I had do wait five seconds or more, but it never

freezed or crashed. Has anyone else similar problems? My computer is a Macbook Air with an 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5 and OS X 10.9.5.

Here is my Gamedata folder:


Here is my log:


Alternate non-zip download

The stuff above is partly solved and the Gamedata is outdated. There are more issues now, including graphic stuff, but here is the latest log:

Filename: Line: 920)

KSP(424,0xa0ef51a8) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=4198400) failed (error code=3)

*** error: can't allocate region

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

KSP(424,0xa0ef51a8) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=2101248) failed (error code=3)

*** error: can't allocate region

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

Receiving unhandled NULL exception

Obtained 25 stack frames.

#0 0x000000002ea0c4 in GarbageCollectSharedAssets(bool)

#1 0x0000000030b902 in CleanupAfterLoad()

#2 0x000000002efe45 in LevelLoading::LoadLevel(int, std::string const&, AwakeFromLoadQueue&)

#3 0x000000002efad7 in PlayerLoadLevelFromThread(int, std::string const&, AwakeFromLoadQueue&)

#4 0x000000002f4c91 in PreloadLevelOperation::IntegrateMainThread()

#5 0x000000002f3cdb in PreloadManager::UpdatePreloadingSingleStep(bool)

#6 0x000000002f4308 in PreloadManager::WaitForAllAsyncOperationsToComplete()

#7 0x000000002f1e14 in PlayerLoop(bool, bool, IHookEvent*)

#8 0x0000000065e65c in -[PlayerAppDelegate UpdatePlayer]

#9 0x00000099e3ea2b in __NSFireTimer

Edited by ZentroCatson
More Bugs! Bugs everywhere!
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Saying that your Gamedata folder is just about 900mb means nothing. What matters is your in-game RAM usage. Basically, looking at how many mods you have, my computer would come PRETTY close to crashing if I do say so myself. THe only thing I cant wrap my head around if why it is freezing, not crashing. In all honesty, its just probably taking a while to load all the assets, so I'd just say "suck it up" until it starts crashing.

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Up your logs, or grep them yourself - if it's out of memory it should be fairly obvious. Either way, no logs no clues.

I know some of those mods have been updated in the last few of days, and at least one has had physics-breaking issues ;) So: Mod versions? Installation method?

If this has just started happening, what has changed? If nothing sticks out in your logs, you might have to start rolling back mod updates or removing them altogether... at least until you can isolate the culprit.

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I'm having a mod installed, that warns me if my memory usage is becoming critical. I never had a warning before it freezed. I will try uploading my .log file but it's really complicated, as I see, it might take some time.

I don't think that it would load completely even if I would leave it for one year. I left it loading one time, nothing happened. There was just this frustrating OSX waiting icon.


I posted the log! I don't know how you can read this monstrosity, but, oh well...

Edited by ZentroCatson
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I see no log... where did you post it to?

I never claimed to be able to 'read' it, and most of it will be irrelevant anyway, but it's the best place to start.

Also, there are far sharper eyes than mine around here - someone who can read it may well stop by.

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Well that's bizarre, I get only garbage in that file... what encoding/language are you using?

Can you open it and read the text inside? If so, can you save it as some standard encoding, like UTF-8?

You can also bring up the log in-game with, IIRC, <mod>+F2. You could try causing the issue with that open and see what turns up.

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I'm having weird graphic issues, like this. With those issues comes a hard fps drop. The freezing still is there, it's just frustrating. You say, you are getting junk out of the download? Strange, I don't know how to solve that. Are you actually using a Mac?


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  ZentroCatson said:
You say, you are getting junk out of the download? Strange, I don't know how to solve that. Are you actually using a Mac?

No, not a mac. Debian GNU/Linux actually.

But text files are text files and zip files are zip files, or at least they should be. Which is why I ask what text encoding you're using, and whether you can open it on your machine. If you can, it's just me or Macs are weirder than I thought, if not then your logs are getting corrupted somehow... this is not a good sign.

As for the graphical anomalies, I don't know what mod those parts are from or what they're supposed to look like. If it's only mod parts looking funny, your best bet is to go ask in the thread for that mod.

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  steve_v said:
No, not a mac. Debian GNU/Linux actually.

But text files are text files and zip files are zip files, or at least they should be. Which is why I ask what text encoding you're using, and whether you can open it on your machine. If you can, it's just me or Macs are weirder than I thought, if not then your logs are getting corrupted somehow... this is not a good sign.

As for the graphical anomalies, I don't know what mod those parts are from or what they're supposed to look like. If it's only mod parts looking funny, your best bet is to go ask in the thread for that mod.

I'll have a Look At the encoding. On that graphics issue, i don't mean the mod parts, look At the bottom of the VAB. That shadow isn't supposed to be there. This also happens in flight, shadows of ramdom shapes (sometimes even Kerbals) appear on the ground.

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Ok, so I got nothing on the graphics thing - again the logs might shed some light.

"There was just this frustrating OSX waiting icon.": There is an issue on the bug tracker regarding crashing / BBOD on OSX when switching scenes - you're sure it's hanging, you don't get a 'not responding' dialog?

Ed: reports of a 'hard freeze' there too, could well be the same problem.

Have you tried lowering graphics settings / texture res and turning off bells and whistles?

Can you reproduce the issue in a stock install?

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I did a test download of the log, and I'm also getting junk. Will try to solve this problem.


I uploaded a (hopefully) working log. Just click on the "alternate non-zip" download link to get it.

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The non-zipped version is readable :)

Looks like a bunch of malloc (memory allocation) failures occuring just as things start going wrong.

So, either you are indeed running out of memory (and the mod you mentioned isn't catching it) or there's something amiss with memory management in unity on osx. It looks very much like the bug report I linked.

Aside from upvoting the issue on the bugtracker, I'm not sure what can be done about it.

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I have the same problem.

I am doing trials and I think that is a problem with the number of parts of the game. Module manager increase the problem. As describes steve_v is not problem with RAM is only a problem on memory allocation, I have 16GB RAM.

It seems that the computer don't mages correctly the memory.

I think that we need to wait to a new version of the game, until then... Play with less mods.

At this moment I play with 20 mods, and the game is stable for more than 3 hours.

At that time I have the same report that you have.

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  obi_juan said:
I have 16GB RAM.
Irrelevant, KSP is 32bit, 32bit applications can only address ~3.2GB of RAM - anecdotal reports put this closer to 3GB on OSX.
I think that we need to wait to a new version of the game, until then... Play with less mods.

Pretty much, to go over 3GB we need a stable 64bit Unity player / KSP build. Currently only available on GNU/Linux, but coming to an OS near you with the switch to Unity 5... hopefully.

Other than fewer mods, lowering texture quality will also reduce memory usage.

But if you're not hitting ~3GB, methinks there's something else going on.

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I think it's pretty much #1 on everyones wish list.. everyone not running GNU/Linux that is :P

The Windows 64bit build was so unstable, due to Unity issues outside Squads control, that they pulled it for the 1.0 release :(

Aside, If you aren't already aware, there's a pretty bad memory leak related to the temperature gauge overlay - best turn it off with F10, or use Temperature Gauge Killer.

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  steve_v said:
Irrelevant, KSP is 32bit, 32bit applications can only address ~3.2GB of RAM - anecdotal reports put this closer to 3GB on OSX.

But if you're not hitting ~3GB, methinks there's something else going on.

That is the point I don't reach 3GB, and I use some mods to reduce the textures.

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I had some more freezing and graphic bugs. For the graphic bugs, I'll start a new tread. I took a look at the last freeze in the console, there where no system-out-of-memory messages. Take a look yourself:

Filename: Line: 920)

KSP(424,0xa0ef51a8) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=4198400) failed (error code=3)

*** error: can't allocate region

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

KSP(424,0xa0ef51a8) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=2101248) failed (error code=3)

*** error: can't allocate region

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

Receiving unhandled NULL exception

Obtained 25 stack frames.

#0 0x000000002ea0c4 in GarbageCollectSharedAssets(bool)

#1 0x0000000030b902 in CleanupAfterLoad()

#2 0x000000002efe45 in LevelLoading::LoadLevel(int, std::string const&, AwakeFromLoadQueue&)

#3 0x000000002efad7 in PlayerLoadLevelFromThread(int, std::string const&, AwakeFromLoadQueue&)

#4 0x000000002f4c91 in PreloadLevelOperation::IntegrateMainThread()

#5 0x000000002f3cdb in PreloadManager::UpdatePreloadingSingleStep(bool)

#6 0x000000002f4308 in PreloadManager::WaitForAllAsyncOperationsToComplete()

#7 0x000000002f1e14 in PlayerLoop(bool, bool, IHookEvent*)

#8 0x0000000065e65c in -[PlayerAppDelegate UpdatePlayer]

#9 0x00000099e3ea2b in __NSFireTimer

I will also put this in the first post.

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In this case I agree, you're not actually out of memory.

Looks like you're not the only one experiencing this, and it's been around for some time... unfortunately I don't know enough about the inner workings of the OSX VM subsystem to be much help here.

I doubt it's a mod causing it though, at least not directly, as mod code is managed and can't normally be allocating memory itself. Can you repro it with a stock install?

It's quite possible that the graphical issue is caused by this, or vice-versa - but splitting it out into another thread might gather more eyes ;)

Does lowering texture quality to half-res and/or turning off PPFX/edge highlighting/AA etc. make any difference?

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I tried removing some mods and turning texture quality down, it did help. It freezes only rarely, this time with this kind of log:

UnloadTime: 111.528229 msKSP(445,0xa0ef51a8) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=67108864) failed (error code=3)

*** error: can't allocate region

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

Receiving unhandled NULL exception

Obtained 256 stack frames.

#0 0x0000009677b280 in _platform_bzero$VARIANT$sse42

#1 0x0000000143caf8 in g_ptr_array_set_size

#2 0x0000000134af4d in array_safe_grow

#3 0x0000000134b642 in mono_add_process_object

#4 0x0000000134b737 in mono_traverse_objects

#5 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

#6 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

#7 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

#8 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

#9 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

#10 0x0000000134b856 in mono_traverse_objects

This moved on until #255.

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FWIW, There's a bunch more information (and it looks like the same issue, no?) over here. Also some indication that Squad knows about it.

The more I look around, the more I'm convinced that the graphics glitches and the crashes/hangs are the same issue. Also that it's a Unity problem :(

As much as I would love to follow instructions and "set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug", that's something only Unity can do.

The crux of the matter may well be this:

  Jouni said:
A major issue is probably that 32-bit software has been obsolete in the OS X world for a long time. The people at Apple haven't seriously considered the possibility that someone might still be writing memory-intensive 32-bit software in the 2010s. As a result, the latest versions of OS X don't really consider address space a scarce resource. If you have 128 TB of virtual address space for the process, it doesn't matter if the operating system maps a gigabyte or two for shared resources. This doesn't work so well with 32-bit software, but from Apple's perspective, all memory-intensive software has been updated to 64-bit years ago.

C'mon Unity, stable 64bit please.

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POkay, i'll blame unity. For now, it Works fine, and I can play for about 2-3 hours. I hope, with switching to unity five,

I can use the Endurance Mod again. I had to remove it, as it may have caused memory issues. Sorry for some

spelling errors, I'm writing on the IPad and this stupid Device writes everything in capital letters or puts in random

words instead of that what I want.

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