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Emergency services?

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I have an idea: EMS: If a kerbal lands too hard, he could be injured and need medical attencion, Fire Dept: When doing stuff, parts can catch fire due to overheat or reentry, and when a building is destroyed, there is a fire which can damage other buildings in the vinicy of it. In career mode, the Emegeny Services buildings will be optional to build on an empty plot, if you call emgency services without your own buildings for it, 250 roots will be taken away. Good idea? Imagine ambulances, fire trucks and planes swarming around stuff. P.S, If you leave a thing burning too long, 2.5 days, you will be fined 1000 roots, but the fire will be out, and if you leave a kerbal with serious injuries for too long, that kerbal will die and you will be fined 2500 roots. both things will cause reputation loss if not taken care of, and if a kerbal does from ethier fire of injuries, they will cause more reputation loss than normal.

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