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Lassie, come Home, Episode 6

I forswear the upgrade (from 0.25, even) until all Kerbals come home.

This is Walter Kronkite (hey, I didn't even have to add the "K") live from KASA control. As you know, tension has been high here with the approaching end of the universe, version 0.25. KASA scientists and engineers have been working feverishly to retrieve our intrepid Kerbonauts from the far reaches of the solar system. Joining me now is Kris Kolumbus, leader of the KSS Redemption navigation team. Kris, how are things going up there?


Kris: Well, as you can see, Walter, Redemption is on course for the Jool system. We anticipate arrival in 24 days, and aerobraking into Laythe orbit shortly after that.

Walter: And what's the status of our Laythe team?


Kris: As well as can be expected, Walter. Actually, morale is fairly high after Redemption's success around Kerbin and Duna.

Walter: Alright, thank you Kris. We go now to Launch Control, where ARF, or the Autonomous Roving Four-wheeler, is standing by for liftoff.


Walter: With me now is Henry Kord, lead engineer on the ARF project. Henry, please tell me and our viewers, what makes ARF different from other rovers?

Henry: Well, Walter, there are two chief differences. The first, of course, is that the ARF is autonomous.

Walter: But weren't all the PUPs and DAWGs equipped with MechJeb?

Henry: (In a harsh whisper: Walter! Shhhh! That's supposed to be classified!) I'm not sure what you're referring to, Walter, but unlike previous rovers, ARF is guided by a QBE probe core. After landing on Eve, we will be able to control it from the KSC.

Walter (blushing slightly at his security gaff): Ahem, yes, and the second difference?

Henry: Here's the genius part: ARF has FOUR wheels!

Walter: Four? Isn't that excessive? The PUPs and DAWGs all have two wheels.

Henry: Yes, but ARF is bound for Eve. You'll recall that our two-wheeled efforts didn't work out so well there. Twice the gravity, twice the wheels.

Walter: Of course. Can you remind us of ARF's mission on Eve?

Henry: Of course. ARF is to make its way to the Eve II and Eve III crash, errr, landing sites and pick up the Kerbonauts there. If, I mean when, the ascent vehicle arrives, ARF will bring the Kerbonauts to it, where they will be lifted into LEO for pickup by KSS Redemption.

Walter: Thank you, Henry. We now switch to the audio feed from Mission Control as ARF enters final countdown.

Gene: 3, 2, 1... Launch!


Gene: Four good SRBs, main engine looks good. ARF is clear of the pad. Approaching Q limit, main engine throttling back. Approaching SRB separation.



Gene: SRBs are clear, main engine throttled up. We are go for LKO.

Walter: Alright, folks, it looks as if we have a clean launch. ARF has dwindled to a starlike point of light in the skies over KSC. In a few minutes it will discard its main rocket motor and light off the nuclear engine that will carry it to Eve.

Gene: Approaching circularization burn. Restart main engine. Approaching main engine burnout. Let's go NUCLEAR!


Gene: Ok, approaching transfer window. Go for burn... burn complete. Navigation, report. Uh huh. Systems? Good. Alright, people, ARF is on its way! Good work.


Walter: This concludes our coverage of the ARF launch. Please join us next time for more exciting KASA action.


Walter: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Our coverage of the Autonomous Roving Four-wheeler continues. ARF is already deep in the Eve system, and preparing for aerobraking.



Walter: Once again, let's listen into the audio feed from Mission Control.

Gene: Copy peak temperature. Looks like a good aerobrake. Navigation, put up the deorbit burn, please.


Gene: Looks good. Permission granted for deorbit burn. [20 minutes later, or so] Ok, copy past peak temperature again. Release aeroshield.


Gene: Navigation, how's it look? That far, huh? Well, as long as we don't hit the water. Deploy chutes!





Gene: Telemetry shows ARF is safely down. Mario, are your links up?

Walter: That would be Mario Kandretti, in Rover Control.

Mario: I've got it Gene, thanks. Starting out for Eve II.



Mario: !@#$!^%@# Tomman, have you overridden my controls?

Tomman: MOAR!


Tomman: You have control, Mario.



Tomman: Problems, Doobald?

Doobald: It broke. Bad.

Tomman: Control, we're both aboard. Ready for pickup.


Gene: Roger, Tomman. Stand by. We're still, ummm, testing the ascent vehicle.


Walter: And that concludes today's broadcast, ladies and gentlemen. Coverage will resume with KSS Redemption around Laythe.

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