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F-5E Tiger I Prototype

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So, it hit me how off the frontal intakes were on my F-5A...


...So I decided to start improving it. This is the F-5E Tiger I prototype. I'll have a Tiger II out soon, but to say the least, this one looks more accurate.









She handles a little quirky, but she still flies well, There is a reason why I stuck prototype to the title, and it's because Tiger I is my prototype for the Tiger II.


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A few nitpicks:

1. I would recommend replacing the fuel tanks ahead of the tank ahead of the engines with precoolers to simulate the auxiliary inlet doors.

2. Not a fan of the decoupling moment caused by the wing mounted airbrakes. The airbrakes on the F-5 are a single spoiler just ahead of the mainwheel undercarriage on the underside of the fuselage. I personally don't see it working simply because the airbrake in KSP is too big and you'd prang it on the runway. I personally found the typical side fuselage layout with the brakes ahead of the stabilators to help the handling of the plane.

3. That bird has way too much rudder. I would recommend a smaller control surface or disabling engine gimbal.

That aside, the F-5 looks to me like a tough plane to build, but you pulled it off, so you get rep from me for making this beauty! :D

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