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SSTO Horizontal Launch Spaceplane Stock 0.15

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Hi all. This my first shared spacecraft so be gentle :)

As the title says its a Single Stage to Orbit Space Plane using stock 0.15 parts. Take off is made running on the two Turbo Jet Engines.

Climb out to 14.8K - 15k altitude and a velocity of 400 m/s +/- 50m/s before igniting the Aerospike.

Pitch up to 85 degrees and running on both engine types until the Turbo Jets reach 0% efficiency and shut them down.

Continue the burn until AP hits 70K and coast to it.

Circularize the orbit.

If all has gone to plan you should have just enough left to deorbit.



Anyways, let me know what you think ;)

EDIT: Tweaked for better all round handling and orbital maneuvering.

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It uses a MKI cockpit, so its as small as I could make it. I wanted to see if I could make a Spaceplane that was realistic in one major regard. It\'s marginal at best. At a 70K orbit there was only 25kg of fuel left onboard hehe

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