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Memorial Day

War Eagle 1

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Thank you for posting this. I just got an all-school email along the same lines. It's all very touching, and it's part of the reason that I did my Eagle project.

Thank you to everyone who served.

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Here's to those people who died and those people who lived on, too. You are lovely people.

It's kind of grotesque to thank people for being killed or maimed in service of one horrible, uncaring system over another.

Really? Your spoiler is indeed just that, and it tells me you know not what you have been given.

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Really? Your spoiler is indeed just that, and it tells me you know not what you have been given.

Agreed. The systems might not care, but death is death, and if you lost somebody you loved in any way it would be devastating. Most of these guys/gals have wives/husbands or girl/boyfriends and of course parents, and when they die they all feel devastated. Memorial Day's like saying to all those people who've lost somebody in war "Thanks to your son/daughter/spouse; they were a great person and I'm sorry that they died".

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Agreed. The systems might not care, but death is death, and if you lost somebody you loved in any way it would be devastating. Most of these guys/gals have wives/husbands or girl/boyfriends and of course parents, and when they die they all feel devastated. Memorial Day's like saying to all those people who've lost somebody in war "Thanks to your son/daughter/spouse; they were a great person and I'm sorry that they died".

That. So much that.

Memorial Day is an appreciation of those who died, not what they died for.

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I would disagree with that, but that's the difference in our generations. The study of history, all history, is an awesome thing ... the past defines who and what we are now, and those who do not learn from it are truly doomed to repeat it. Memorial Day is an American national holiday ... I would suggest looking up the history and meaning of what Memorial Day celebrates and stands for. Do not confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day or VE Day, etc. Each has specific and deep meaning.

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By appreciating those who died, we can honor them. There are some who disagree with the wars they fought in, but still appreciate their sacrifices.

Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.

I was trying to explain to Accelerando what memorial day is about.

I do love history, it's my favorite subject! *shameless plug* See sig!

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No, this is not politics. Memorial Day is about those who died, not whether or not you agree or disagree with the cause they died for.

It is designed to be a tribute to America's war dead, not the wars themselves.

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IDK where you re from but here we call it honoring them for their service and sacrifice that they didnt have to make

Well, technically, some people didn't have a choice to make, though there hasn't been a draft in a while. Still, it is more for remembering and honoring the dead than anything else.

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