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Rascal Rockets Incorporated: "Exojet II" - An SSTO (and return) Spaceplane

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After the first failure in the SSTO program, the immediate reaction was to add either more fuel or more power. Both failed - such a response resulted in the deaths of at least [REDACTED] Kerbonauts due to the unbalanced nature of large, bulky craft. So, in what at first seemed foolish, we downsized - and made Exojet.

Which, despite making it into orbit with fuel left, was declared too hard to control. And in came Exojet II.

And it worked:

Just after take off:


Turbojets are nearing their maximum height:


Aerospike: Go!


A steep climb is recommended for the early stages of the flight:


After raising the Apoapsis and burning there, we have orbit!


A landing shot would have been provided, but after making several crash landings with Exojet I only due to my misjudgment of where to re-enter, I am confident that the upgraded Exojet II is more than capable of getting home safely.

Another feature of Exojet II is the separation of jet fuel and rocket fuel. Though there is no difference yet and they can be interchanged, this will not be done here due to the impending change to this. Exojet II was built with the future in mind.

Finally, you may have to wait until you hit the runway\'s end to start flying, but you probably won\'t. But if you do, Exojet II is quite stable, and as long as you\'re not excessive, a little hard pitching after the runway won\'t do any harm.

Oh, I just happened to discover this: Try to refrain from really quick rolls. You could cause the jets to fly right off.

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