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C7 Tutorials

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Great video..but I have a NOOOOB question.

- I did a simple shape in 3Ds and export to unity. Again its just a cube with little things poping out...lol.

- Created a empty Gameobject then draged PartTools to make it Parent.

- I added mesh collider and checked Convex.

- I then position it dead center (PartExporter and ugly Cube). I clicked on Write.

Can you tell me what files are created and where exactly they go.

Thanks a million..from a noob :(

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can you make a tutorial on how to use the KSP SDK thing? a tad confusing.... :P also, how to modify things. like how to change the amount of fuel actually in a fuel tank for example. (instead of fuel =500 fuel= 1000000 [i know, crazy numbers]) and/or engine related stuff (ex. consumption rates) and how to implement them to work

EDIT: i tried to modify the part.cfg file (im using a mac) and there is no difference with any changed values. maybe im doing something wrong? wrong file edited perhaps?

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