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Duran Duran v2. Stock US space shuttle replica.

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Ever since the introduction of the new space plane parts, I had trouble recreating my old space shuttle replica using the new cargo bays and cockpit. With the introduction of the new aerodynamics I gave it another try, and can now present to you the shiny new Duran Duran v2 NASA space shuttle replica.


The new Duran Duran is capable of placing a 22 kg module in low Kerbin orbit, making it capable of most space station construction missions. The orbiter uses monopropellant for both orbital manoeuvring and reaction control, and comes equipped with Oscar-B LOX tanks feeding two fuel cells for extended orbital missions where the cockpit batteries are not enough.

The timed burnout of the 9 pairs of SRBs make ascent fairly simple, but care has to be taken to not have the boosters knock of the wings upon separation. The shuttle so far is designed to carry 22 tons in it s cargo bay, so if the cargo is replaced, the torque might become to large during some parts of ascent. After circulation, around 350 m/s ∆v is left which is more than enough for rendezvous with a station and docking a new module to it. If placing a module without a probe core and RCS in orbit, it can be relocated to the top-facing docking port in the orbiters cargo bay and docked to the station using the orbiters manoeuvring system.


Upon returning for orbit, some parts can overheat if the entry path is to steep, and the orbiter can tumble into an uncontrollable spin if turned to tightly when lining up with the runway. Avoiding these problems, landing is quite simple provided you can find out how to time your deorbit burn to end up at KSP. A split tail air brake is available to slow down on approach and a chute to slow down once on the ground. When landed on the KSP runway, around half the launch cost is refunded.

Mass: 652 kg

Part count: 228

∆v total: 4469 m/s

∆v orbiter only: 678 m/s

Max designed payload to orbit: 22 tons to 75 km LKO

Cost of Shuttle: 198.000

Cost of Shuttle and example cargo: 204.000

Cost of Orbiter: 98.000

Craft file: Dropbox link

I will continue to refine the shuttle, and to figure out a way that makes SRB separation less risky and reduce the probability to end up spinning uncontrollably when landing.

Below is an Imgur album showing select parts of a typical shuttle mission delivering a fuel tank to orbit.

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