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Kerbals getting Sick

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This wouldnt fit into the stock game at all but some people might like having an extra challange:

Kerbals can get Sick (Maybe because they are alone in a capsule for 3 years *cough*) and might loose their ability to control the craft/loose accses to SAS Modules.. They would have to take medicine (Carried around in Command Pod and also cost money) or be treated by a doctor (Kerbals can be trained for founds to be able to Heal others)

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Not too bad an idea, though I think it may have been suggested before.

It wouldn't be too hard to implement, I would think. AFAIK, there have been reports that a Kerbals Courage can potentially drop during a mission (this may have been a bug that was fixed), but if that's the case, then changing stats can be supported by the system. From there, I guess you'd just need a new 'stat' called 'health' or something.

Having a doctor on-board your ship could potentially slow the decay of health, and having a 'clinic' module or something could be used to 'cure' 'sick' Kerbals, using a similar process to the Science Lab research function thing. Higher level Doctors could help keep more Kerbals healthy, or keep the ones that are there even healthier. Maybe a fully-leveled Doc could boost some of the others Kerbal's stats.

I don't know if I'd want my Kerbals to suddenly 'lose control' or anything like that... maybe a progressive reduction to their skill level or something? A sick level 3 scientist doesn't give as much of a bonus as a healthy level 3 scientist? Or a sick level 2 pilot might forget how to point prograde/retrograde? After being 'cured,' of course, their stats would return to normal.

Just tossing out ideas :)

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