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I am downloading ksp 15 now, and im gonna go to minimus.

i need some tips though:

what heading will i need to launch to get to minimus?

when do i do the burn to minimus?

and any other stuff you might think is important. thanks.

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I dont do it the same way i do it as the mun. Instead i do it the same way as a orbital rendezvous.

I go above minmus orbital path so that it catches up to me. Then I align my orbital plane with the planets orbital path, then i retroburn when the planet is close enough to lower my orbit and fall into its gravity.

(Be sure to make good use of the patched conics.)

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If you\'re starting with a fresh persistence file, you can treat it like a münar transfer. (Just with a higher Ap)

More generally, if you\'re doing the transfer orbit at the right time (yay, off-plane intercept), or your parking orbit is coplanar with Minmus\' you can just do the burn prograde at Minmus-rise thing. Minmus\' SOI is slightly larger than the Mün\'s(!)

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Personally I\'d recommend you try it without reading up guides since it\'s a new challenge to visit this new moon without knowing much about it. :)

Still, I\'ll say that it takes about the same amount of fuel to go to Minmus as it does to the Mun since it has a much lower gravity

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No need for numbers, you can eyeball it. Start burning when Minmus is over the horizon (exactly like the Mun). Burn prograde until your Ap reaches Minmus\' orbit. Then position your ship in a Normal attitude (Pointing straight up or straight down on the elliptic plane) to move the inclination of your orbit up or down so that it intersects with Minmus\' orbit. By then, you should be seeing the patched conics display your encounter with Minmus\' SOI.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

One thing not to do is to go via the mun. Though it is more fun that way, its very fustrating.

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