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Video about Vostochniy cosmodrome workflow


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Interesting video from Roscosmos showing planned workflow of Vehicle assembly complex (combines storage area for booster parts and vehicle assembly and testing facility in one building).

Video timeline:

0:19 - 0:37

áosmodrome map in current state.

Map legend:

1c - Soyuz launch pad

2.1 - Vehicle assembly and storage complex

2.3 - water inflow for site #2

3.2 - fuel components storage facility

3.3 - water inflow for site #3

4 - industrial area

4.1 - main meteorological facility

5 - airport

6 - cosmodrome main industrial area (constructions, logistics, maintenance, etc)

6.1 - administrative facility

6.2 - living area (Tsiolkovsky city)

0:37 - 1:50

Vehicle components storage, rocket assembly, testing, mating payload with 3-stage,

1:50 - 3:03

Assembled vehicle on launch pad, fueling, launch preparation

Vehicle components arrive to storage are by railroad, then it is transfered to large cart that moves through transborder gallery (it connects all parts of VAB) to vehicle assembly facility.

3:03 - 4:07

First launch form Vostochniy (Lomonosov science satellite on Soyuz 2.1a with Volga upper stage) - planned flight sequence.

4:07 - 4:26

Most intresting part: plans for cosmodrome expansion in 2 stages: 2016-2020 (launch pad for Angara, cosmoanuts training facility, manned spaceship preparation and testing facility) and 2021-2030 (another launch pad (for heavy launch vehicle? which one?), deep space communication facility, another facility for manned space ships).

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Very interesting (I did use subtitles because my Russian is... inexistant ;.;).

I am in admiration before the R-7, and not ashamed to say it. It is elegant, convenient, reliable and beautiful.

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I hear Vostochniy's facing lots of problems these days, money related mostly.

Yes, it is. There was major problems with subcontractors denying workers salary for 3 moths (this was the reason for large workers strike in march). But I don't remember big projects in Russia or USSR that didn't have problems. Few fresh photo reports from construction site if you interested: one two and video:

. Current deadline for first launch is "the end of 2015" but I personaly think they will delay it for at least spring of 2016.
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