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Spacecraft file got corrupted after saving/unknown size

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I was building the beginning of my Mun base: a life support vessel. I built pretty much everything I needed and tried to launch. The spacecraft is relatively big but I didn't see any lag so I believe it isn't my PC performance's fault. Anyway, I then noticed I forgot launch clamps and I needed to strengthen a mid-section. I went back to VAB and everything was OK. After adding these things I tried launching again - something strange happen. I saw the whole interface but everything else was black. I tried reverting to launch and I appeared at the LaunchPad. For some reason I went back to VAB and then tried exiting to space center. KSP asked me whether I want to save the craft. Obviously I pressed yes and then went back to VAB again. After trying to load the craft, all I got was a VERY early version of it. I tried using the "auto-saved ship" thing and I got back my craft but the thing is that it was broken. All the stages (the bar on the right, not the physical stages) were gone and when I tried launching, KSP said "Craft size unknown!"

Mods which could've affected something: Universal Storage, Karbonite, TAC life support, KIS, KAS.

My vessel doesn't contain other mods

I did try restarting KSP. Didn't change anything

Craft file: HERE

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  • 4 years later...

I know this thread is old but after I recovered my deleted save file from recuva all of my craft files are "unknown size" or NaN 

Here is the list of my mods: 




Kerbal foundries

North Kerbin Dynamics 

World stabilizer

Vessel Mover


And my PC specs: 

Windows 7 Ultimate

Processor: AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 2.70 GHz

RAM: 2.00 

System type: 32-bit Operating system

And btw my ksp version is 1.3.1 I don't think that it was caused by the mods or my PC but after I recovered my deleted save file and my Craft's become "unknown size" but any help will be appreciated :)




Edited by PanzerkampfwagenIV
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