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My UFO encounter


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I'm not entirely sure if UFO encounters are allowed to be posted on this forum or not.

Basically, my story is:

"first, it was a few nights ago. I was going outside because I wanted to observe Saturn and it was at opposition which meant it was close and bright, so I could easily find with my telescope. Suddenly I saw a very fast red light fly across the sky. I knew it was no plane, I never saw airplane fly so fast that this red light flew at. I then saw a white light fly by and then vanish in the middle of air. I saw some more white lights. I tried to communicate by turning my flashlight on and off"

I can see that some people might be skeptical to the belief that alien life is visiting or even have UFOs flying around in our Solar System. I'm not saying for sure it was alien. All I'm saying it was a UFO (Unidentified flying object). Doesn't mean it's alien or human. It's just not known what it was.

However, I can assure everyone that infact it was not a airplane. What makes me so sure? Due to the fact it was flying upwards and flying at incredibly fast speeds that I've only seen very few aircraft do and they were not capable of VTOL.

I only seen lights, no identification of what model of aircraft it was. However, it did flicker it's lights and appear to "dance" with it's white light on. Whatever it was, it was attempting to communicate.

Further more, I'd like to bring to the board a thread about UFOs. Also, I'd like to ask other Amateur astronomers or anyone really that stargazes to present their stories about what they may of have seen. Also, I am open to questions and skeptics regarding my encounter.

Edited by Bar27262
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If it was night and all you saw was a light, it's extremely difficult to estimate distance and altitude, which also means that extrapolating speed and vertical direction is pretty much impossible.

BTW, where do you live? There was an Ariane V launch last night.

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If it was night and all you saw was a light, it's extremely difficult to estimate distance and altitude, which also means that extrapolating speed and vertical direction is pretty much impossible.

BTW, where do you live? There was an Ariane V launch last night.

It was a few nights ago, during the opposition of Saturn. Like on May 24th during the early morning hours.

I was trying to see the planet and I couldn't. All I could find was distant stars, however I did find what was stated in the OP.

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This was about 4 years ago. It was 11 at night, I closed at work, picked up my girlfriend at the time and was driving back to my place. Driving down a street and I saw a reddish light zoom away to the left, then straight up from either over the local middleschool fields, or the apartment complexes right next to them. Not knowing what it was or how large, I couldnt judge a distance properly. I only saw it because it moved.

Now, I am a man of reason. I thought "Must have been a reflection from the streetlights off my windshield". Sure sounds reasonable enough.

Then my girlfriend speaks up and asks "Did you see that?". So as not to influence her at all I said "no, what?".

The creeped-out spooky feeling I had in the pit of my stomach as she described exactly what I had just seen still gives me the willies. Just retelling this story here, or to other people makes my armhair stand up and I get all jittery.

I wont claim to have seen an alien, but I have seen an unidentified flying object.

EDIT: This was in Onalaska, Wisconsin, if location matters to anyone.

Edited by r4pt0r
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Okay, this is certainly not an UFO encounter, but people around me almost thought of an unidentified object. Until very clear cues appears.

Approx. 6:30 pm local time last Saturday (23/05), we watched planets and the waxing crescent Moon using a small telescope at the west sky. I point at stars instead, trying to revive my own memories of their names (and trying to tell where's true north / south, nobody took a compass). Then I saw Arcturus, alone. A few minutes later, someone asked me about a star near Arcturus, I believed it was Nekkar (β Bootis) - the position somewhat fits for Bootes' legs, and as Nekkar is quite dim I expect I haven't adaptated for the sky. Then, ten minutes later, someone asked me again of a star near Arcturus - and there it was, very close (like it's a naked eye double star) to Arcturus ! It's also wiggling up/down (on the "sphere", indeed one can't differ horizontal motion and vertical motion on the sky), we wondered what it is. Then it moved again, to the left, staying again, moves to right, etc. One try to think it's a satellite - no satellite can do that ! Planes also fails. Until we (or, well, I), started saw stripes on it, it's white, paper-like surface, and it's rhombic figure as it slightly descends, also some notices it's movement like being tied to a rope then pulled over and over, we're all convinced that it was... a kite.

Well, who thought that can happen...

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I've seen a couple of weird things in my life. First one happened when i was a child - during one particularly dark, rainy night my grandmother and i noticed a ball of bright, orange light shining over nearby forest. It was stationary despite strong wind - it could be moon shining through the clouds like my grandma insisted, but it lasted couple of minutes without changing the brightness.

Another one happened couple of years ago. It was a beautiful summer night, so i went to my backyard for some stargazing, hoping to see Andromeda galaxy. Instead i noticed four yellow, not blinking lights clustered together - they were moving very fast from north to the south. It took them only several seconds to cross the sky and disappear in the glare of streetlights behind my house. And despite quietness of the night, i did not hear any sound of the engines. More than that - couple of days later i talked with my cousin living in nearby town just north from where i live. He was returning from his girlfriends home that night and seen the same thing. And before anyone says it was just a plane: there is an international air traffic corridor above our neighbourhood. Also jets from nearby Air Force base often train in our area. We are well accustomed to the planes, both civilian and military flying above our heads - but none of us ever seen a plane with positioning lights in uniform colour (yellow), none of which were blinking.

Newest weird encounter happened last year. It was during the day this time, and all i've seen was a bright, ruby-red flash of light between cumulus clouds. Nothing more. I didn't noticed anything more despite watching that area for several minutes.

And of course there was another ball of bright, orange light flying above my street - but it was during New Year night when everyone were shooting fireworks. So i admit - it could be a paper hot air baloon with a lit candle inside (though i still have my doubts).

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I have no idea :) But i'm sure uncontacted natives living in Amazon and New Guinea jungles often wonder, why gods\demons\spirits flying above their heads in metal birds put those strange rotating bits on them.

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Hmm... I'm not sure why aliens would build a spacecraft that was invisible to radar and completely silent, only to cover it in completely superfluous lights.

It is entirely possible that being invisible to radar and silent is not intentional, but just the side effect of their technology. We have no idea how they develop things, after all. And their way of communication is with lights.

My question though...why do they never remain until they actually get a response if communication is their intention? Right now it looks like all UFO we have seen thus far is just an elaborate, galactic-scale pranks that advanced intelligences play on us, the same way we pranks monkeys in a cage with bananas and toys.

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It is entirely possible that being invisible to radar and silent is not intentional, but just the side effect of their technology. We have no idea how they develop things, after all. And their way of communication is with lights.

My question though...why do they never remain until they actually get a response if communication is their intention? Right now it looks like all UFO we have seen thus far is just an elaborate, galactic-scale pranks that advanced intelligences play on us, the same way we pranks monkeys in a cage with bananas and toys.

That's a good point.

However, I have a theory that really doesn't place aliens that far away from us. Are you perhaps, interested in hearing RainDreamer?

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I think that, least for SE Asia, kites cut it down. :wink:

For other sites... Any flying debris could be reflecting a fair amount of light ; grouped stationary lights would make things a bit harder (what, ISS ? Grouped space objects ?) but nevertheless there must be some very possible reasons why we see them, before we turn to the unknown...

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However, I have a theory that really doesn't place aliens that far away from us. Are you perhaps, interested in hearing RainDreamer?

I am! Please tell!

Also, the other day my friend and I were discussing if the aliens defecate. I mean, we never see toilets on their spaceships, so...?

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I really wish people would stop automatically linking "Aliens" to UFOs. There are plenty of other wacky speculations that are just as plausible: Santa Claus, leprechauns, time travellers, Nth-dimensional beings, God or gods of your choice, underwater creatures, N.azis from the Moon, secret weapons of the CIA/NSA/KGB, the Illuminati, big foot, tooth fairies, etc...

Why do they have to be aliens ? The alien thing is 100% cultural bias.

Edited by Nibb31
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Aliens are late 20th century man's goblins/fairies/god/VirginMary/etc.

UFO is unidentified. Not aliens. Also, it's an official designation. Just because someone can't recognize Venus or a balloon (people mock the balloon explanations, but there are lots of them flying around), aeroplane or a military jet fighter, doesn't make it an UFO.

I've never ever seen anything I couldn't explain and trust me, I had a fairly decent number of stargazing hours. Never a single unexplainable thing.

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It is entirely possible that being invisible to radar and silent is not intentional, but just the side effect of their technology. We have no idea how they develop things, after all. And their way of communication is with lights.

My question though...why do they never remain until they actually get a response if communication is their intention? Right now it looks like all UFO we have seen thus far is just an elaborate, galactic-scale pranks that advanced intelligences play on us, the same way we pranks monkeys in a cage with bananas and toys.

There's no chance it's just a fortunate side-effect, especially objects moving faster than the speed of sound without a sonic boom.

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I am! Please tell!

Also, the other day my friend and I were discussing if the aliens defecate. I mean, we never see toilets on their spaceships, so...?

The Titan Theory:

Aliens could originate from within our own Solar System. So close, actually that it may be right under our noses. Specifically, I'm talking about the Saturn moon of Titan. The reason I suggest such a close target? Simple. During the Opposition of Saturn yearly.. There is a slight increase in UFO sightings as I found out during research regarding my sighting to make sure that I wasn't seeing the ISS or some other orbiting object. These UFOs could originate from the Titan moon. Some evidence (but not fully solid) to back up can be found in some of the Saturn Radio emissions which is eerie themselves if it isn't ET. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUaE9hoWvpQ: 4:39. Saturn should appear.). The radio emissions have according to some people garbled text that says some spooky words. Now. If aliens were indeed to come from Titan. They would most likely be Aquatic-based ET that could possibly breathe Titan's atmosphere and also Earth's atmosphere. This seems unlikely, but it would explain the vast majority of UFO sightings around water. Perhaps the Aquatic ET are abducting fish? Maybe they need to refill water, similar to whales? However, this blows a deep hole in to the grays theory. What if the Grays and said Aquatic-ET are rival factions that battle for Titan as a outpost of some sorts? I'll make some points in how this theory could be deemed plausible and not so plausible.


  • 1. Explains UFO sightings on open sea or UFOs seen leaving from under water.
  • 2. Explains UFO sightings around Saturn's Opposition.
  • 3. Could possibly explain the Saturn Radio Emissions if the source is not from Saturn's weather patterns as originally thought.



  • 1. Does not explain the Grays nor the vast majority of abduction stories regarding Grays and their home in the Zeta star-region despite no exosolar planets.
  • 2. Does not explain UFO sightings outside of Saturn's Opposition.
  • 3. Does not explain previous alien theories set in history.


I know it seems quite far fetched, but worth a thought. The anatomy of said aquatic creatures could be Humanoid or resemble something like a Squid with arms.

Perhaps as of now, we are in fact in the middle of a intergalactic battle that's taking place right under our noses?

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Once I had an encounter with a UFO. This was in brought day light, so it was real to all you nay sayers.

So anyway, I was walking on the beach and there was quite a strong wind. After a while I spotted something green in

the distance and it seemed to be moving around, no it was flying. What could this UFO be? Peaking my curiosity

I walked towards it, as I get closer some of the features of this object get more apparent. It seemed to be a long

slender green thing, flying around in the air like if it was some mythical creature. Of course those don't exist, so it

must be something else. So I get close enough to get a good look of what I was looking at.

Clearly this was something no one ever saw, it was out of this world. It was an alien.

It seemed this creature had arms, very colorful ones, flapping up and down.

His neck and head were fused together into one long neck-head part.

It's whole body was actually part of this neck-head structure.

Like it's arms, the creatures whole body was waving back and forth, up and down.

But most wondrous was it's face, it looked happy, yet it's eyes were sad.

Like it was looking towards the sky, longing to return to it's own planet.

I tried to communicate with it by waving and dancing around like the creature, clearly it was trying to communicate.

Mimicking every move and flap it's body made, but it didn't show any response back to me.

Suddenly the wind picked up and it flew of, never to be seen from ever again.

Moments later a guy with a small spool of rope ran towards where the mysterious alien was going shouting "Come back! Come back!"

Clearly he had some contact with this marvelous creature too.

For all who don't believe me, I've got proof! Here is a picture I made:

Mysterious creature

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This happened when I was a kid, but not even then did I believe in aliens, conspiracies etc. I was at my training ground, playing as a goalkeeper, as I still am today. The ball was pretty far away, so I turn my head around to check where exactly my goal is (keepers often do this so they know their exact position without having to completely turn around, which would be very bad). As I'm turning my head around, I see a big ball of fire up in the sky. It was just around sunset, but very up in the sky and not even close to where the sun was setting. Then I hear a scream or something coming from the match so I turn around to see where the ball is (it would have been quite embarassing had I conceded a goal because I was looking up). Luckily, the ball was still far away, so I turned back, and it was gone. I looked through the crowd to see if anyone else had noticed the object, but everyone was watching the match, and the only stand was facing opposite of the "UFO". I was pretty thrilled 'cause I though I had seen a meteorite, but the next day I couldn't find anything on the newspaper - surely I couldn't have been the only one to see that big ball of fire.

Today I still think it must have been some kind of small asteroid exploding/heating up in the atmosphere, as I don't believe in alien UFOs or anything like that. But I'm still quite shocked.

Edited by Frida Space
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Honestly guys I'm disappointed. The leaps in logic here are just ridiculous. More UFO sightings when Saturn is at opposition = aliens come from Titan and are abducting fish? Seriously? Here's an alternative explanation: when Saturn is at opposition there are more UFO sightings because there's a bright light in the sky that isn't there usually and the majority of people don't know it's Saturn so report it as a UFO. Radio waves coming from Saturn? The Earth makes radio waves too. I don't fully understand the process by which it works but wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that a much larger planet would produce more powerful radio waves?

Seeing a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object - emphasis on the UNIDENTIFIED) and claiming that aliens are behind it are completely different things. Claiming that aliens are visiting us or that we're in an 'intergalactic battle' or something require such vast leaps of logic that they are almost completely untenable. If aliens visit us all the time and have visible lights (which many of you make the astounding claim are used for communication - how could you possibly know that?) then how comes no one who watches the sky for a living ever sees them? How come there is never any definitive documentary proof other than a handful of eyewitness claims? For any of it to make sense you have to believe in so many things which are so unlikely to be true; that the government is covering up these sightings, that thousands of astronomers and scientists across the globe are under pay of the government to keep quiet about what should be abundantly obvious evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

Alternatively, the aliens are cloaking themselves in their voyages across the stars until they reach a few thousand feet above the Earth, something which is completely ridiculous. In space there is no medium to lose heat by convection into and so heat lingers around and is pretty easily detectable. Just look at the number of radiators the ISS needs to keep itself cool. Now imagine the orders of magnitude more energy required for a futuristic starship (presumably with some sort of FTL warp drive) and how you could possibly get rid of that amount of heat without revealing yourself. Cloaking in space is basically impossible unless you believe in some sort of advanced magic technology which circumvents the laws of physics as we know it. Now, that might well be the case, sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic etc, but it requires far too many jumps in logic. Which is simpler; that the laws of physics as we know them are wrong, that the entire world is engaged in a mass conspiracy, or that the human mind is easily tricked into believing it saw something it didn't see, or misinterpreting something it did see as something inexplicable? We are not objective creatures. We live in a subjective world. It is easy to see something wrong or misinterpret what we are seeing and then make wild jumps of logic to seek to explain it. That's how our brains are wired. But we live in a world of science and reason now and some of you really need to apply that to what you are seeing (and saying) more thoroughly.

TLDR; you saw a UFO, great. It was unidentified. Probably given the right information you would be able to identify it, and probably it would be something perfectly reasonable, but as it stands you cannot. THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU SAW ALIENS OR WE ARE IN A GALACTIC CIVIL WAR WHERE SQUID FROM TITAN FLY TO EARTH TO ABDUCT FISH

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Honestly guys I'm disappointed.

I agree, I absolutely don't believe in alien UFOs or anything like that. But I think it's fun sharing your UFO stories with others - where UFO strictly means Unidentified Flying Object, not an Alien Flying Object. A plane can be a UFO too if you don't recognize it as a plane. As I said, I'm still convinced that what I saw was a meteorite-fireball, but it still amazes/thrills/shocks me and I enjoy sharing my story with others. I guess I'm not the only one :-)

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