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Weird mass; tiny rover weighs more than big one

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Greetings fellow kerbonauts!

So when planning on building a base on Duna, I decided on rovers to transport the different sections around. During the design process of this rover I discovered something weird:

A tiny rover weighs more than a big rover with more parts. Almost twice as much on top of that.

I don't know if this is something weird with KSP or if I'm missing something trivial, but I'm attaching images and .craft files if anyone's interested.

So as you can see, this rover


weighs almost five tons, much more than this one


which only weights slightly under three tons.

Big rover craft file

Tiny rover craft file

Edited by vincekerbonaut
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You may want to list which mods you use if you want anyone to help.

The small Rover uses a part StrutConnectorHeavy. if that is the heavy strut from KW Rocketry then they weigh 1t each. replace those with normal struts


Alot of the smaller parts do have odd mass though. Those wheels now weigh the same as the mini ones for example

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