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Astro's Kopernicus Planets


What would you want in the planet pack?  

186 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you want in the planet pack?

    • more moons
    • more planets
    • "lagrange point" moons/planets
    • rings
    • cubic planetary system
    • more moons around stock planets
    • other, and just post a comment asking for what you wish.

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Awesome: I built a spacecraft and headed to Sarnus to test the craft out - It captured some really awesome screens and still has enough Delta-V to explore the entire Sarnus System, but I don't have a Huygens Mock-up.

I shall post screens later.

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It works so far Hammersamatom.

Well, technically, no star systems yet, but we may place 1 or 2 in the far out solar system (maybe place one star system as a binary and then place a few planets around the Barycenter of the system and near their stars, but with possible exploration (I've tried to get close to the Kerbol (the Sun), but the closest without many overheating parts is an orbit with a periapsis about 2/3rds of that of Moho.

We will keep working on this all summer (winter for those "below" the equator).

Edit: Can I modify the size, inclination, and eccentricity of Asterix?

Edit2: I modified Asterix so that it is 5km in radius, and accurately follows MTM-4.

Edited by Astrofox
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Let's save those for later, finish Mysterio for now.

Edit1: We also need to stop using Space Engine asteroids for planets, follow Happy's example. Use noise to crate the height, then apply the noise color.

If we can do that, that is.

Edited by Hammersamatom
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If you want to make your planets seem less space-enginey, but still use a space engine heightmap, then just use the heightmap AND height based color from HeightColorMaps, it's basically what the stock planets use anyways.

And if you really need to use a color map, then you could also export the maps with all+e+p and edit that in gimp or paint.net

Also, if we make any extra star systems, they should be separate sub-packs like the cube planets will be

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I will probably get to work on the Sedna-like object, but right now, what should we name the object (and I'm also considering a Haumea-like object as well, like inaccessible, but has two small moons)?

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I think we should revise everything we currently have before we continue with adding new stuff. After looking through the configs and comparing them to stock planets, here are some bugs/inconsistencies/bad-things-TM I've found:

For reference:

Gilly has a radius of 13,000m, and a gravity of 0.005g (10x less than minmus)

Minmus has a radius of 60,000m, and a gravity of 0.05g

Kerbin has a radius of 600,000m, and a gravity of 1g

Jool has a radius of 6,000,000m, and a gravity of 0.8g (apparently the devs set it so low so that the escape velocities and SOI wouldn't be too large)

- --------------------------------------- -

Kosarn: The place has gravity similar to Minmus but a radius 3x smaller, and it's config is a mess.

Mina: It's about the same size as Minmus, but has twice the gravity. It's also way over Kerbin's hillsphere, which is the maximum limit at which celestial moons are stable.

Alo: It's 9x as dense, and has 1.5x the gravity as Eeloo... :P

Mysterio: It's still too small in my opinion, should be upped to at least 1200000 (4x it's current size), which is still 5x smaller than Jool, and 2x smaller than Neidon, (Neptune analogue) from OPM.

MTM-1 Haricot: It's got too much gravity (0.03g), while being 4x smaller (15000m).

MTM-3 Phoop: It's too small for it's gravity, and it's too close to MTM-1 (stupid me!)

MTM-4 Tihoratus: Way too small (6x smaller than minmus) for it's gravity.

All in all, things need to be about 3-4x bigger. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Also, most of the planets are either blue or brown. Only Alo and Mina break that trend. We need more colors :P

If it's ok with you guys, I'd like to redo the stock-planet moons; they are badly in need of a makeover. I'd also love to see some pictures of the lava oceans on MTM-2.

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Yeah, I honestly agree, however, the planet pack is made for realism and non-realism, and we can shove the gas giant into an unrealistic category (may need to add that to the spreadsheet, I added some extra things there), and everything else can be semi-realistic (after all, the density is screwed up in KSP, well, as I've heard of).

So, Alo needs updating and Kosarn needs to be updated as well, sounds good, however, I would like to Keep Mysterio and its moons the way it is, but I guess we could modify Mysterio and it's moons to make them slightly more realistic.

Edit: I still want some really overkill fictional stuff added in as well for the sake of variety so that this planet pack is a bit different from the rest, that is, until other forum users are inspired by this mod.

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I acccidentally deleted the post, so I rewrote it here:

I think that, at the very least, Mysterio and all of it's moons need to be scaled up 2x. I could be on the surface of any of the moons, go up for 5 seconds in an EVA pack, and be escaping, also the moons are too small to easily see from other moons. :P

I also noticed another trend: Large craters

Asterix, Mina, Haricot, and Valklipper (that pink lifey planet I'm making) all feature a single, large crater.

In other news, I finished my menus plugin thingy:

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1riklty70l2vxl6/BetterMenus_0.1.zip?dl=0

Edited by MrHappyFace
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Actually, it has two craters last time I checked... But I am thinking that we should create a strange (yet creative) planet that has Mtn Dew oceans and Dorito lands, as an MLG joke of course (CamTroid will then probably review the mod - if we tell him about it...).

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I'll work on the semi realism, but I may need to alter Mysterio's orbit so it doesn't intersect any other SOI's.

Happy! How do I change the planet on the main menu???

Found a bug with your plugin, Happy. If the game decides to pick a Kopernicus Sun as the displayed planet, it begins to throw exceptions. (My error checker clocked it at a maximum of 1944 throws.)

My suggestion would to make a config file to exclude certain planets.

Edited by Hammersamatom
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Hi since you asked on input in your poll. I am mainly interested in far away planets/minor planets, like in the trans keptunian pack. As far away as possible :P (I have never travelled beyond Minmus though in my 2 years of playing :P )

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Well, that is more for future reference, but we can make it different afterward.

Also, great news on the development.

I kinda wonder at what Tyrok would look like...

- - - Updated - - -

Also, could you tell me where Mysterio has been moved, that is, if you've moved it due to SOI problems.

Maybe Mina could become a Trojan moon of the Mun, in which it orbits at the Mun's L3 point, or maybe the L5 point of Minmus.

I will start to write up some configs and stuff for the Sedna-like; those titan textures from space engine really give it a good red-orange tint without it being the actual Sedna textures in Space Engine.

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