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Knights of Sidonia


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Honestly I was surprised to find this thread doesn't exist already.

Thus I hereby launch the thread wherein we discuss this ongoing and very awesome anime, which I recommend to anyone who likes KSP, giant robots in space, or outer space in general.

Who all has seen it? Has anyone built any fan ships? I myself named my latest mothership "Kidonia", but it's only loosely based on the Sidonia at best and lacks an asteroid core in favor of a habitat ring and giant wings.

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Its on my list to watch, I have a few other series in front of it however.

I presume you recommend it?

To the poster below: thats why I've been bumping it back in my list, the artstyle just seems...not good?

Edited by r4pt0r
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I do recommend it. Admittedly the fact that it's entirely CG was a bit of a surprise, but I got used to it within the first episode.

While it is an anime and unsurprisingly has a lot of "fantasy" sci-fi in it, now and again I'm pleasantly surprised by the science that does show up - for instance, with the exception of giant robot fights (which are necessarily close-quarters for entertainment reasons), most of the space combat occurs over massive distances and is based on detection and long-range interception rather than the old-fashioned cannonade fights common in Star Wars-like franchises.

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  • 4 weeks later...

you get over the 3d in 2 or 3 episodes. honestly they did it really well compared to previous attempts, enough to give me hope that 3d anime can indeed be done right.

also the plot is fairly great, as well as the author's attention to physics and how stuff actually works in space(aside from a few plot necessary loopholes)

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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