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Feedback - Docking Training Module Issues

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I'm encountering a couple of problems with the Docking - Training Module.

1. The game becomes slow / lags after I set the maneuver to intercept the lost spacecraft. This is annoying but playable.

2. I do not have enough fuel to complete the mission and I run out trying to intercept with the stuck spacecraft. I get you have to be more efficient but a) It's training and B) you make a lot of mistakes when training. :). I've tried this two times and each time I've run out of fuel. This is annoying and not playable.

Edited by rollo1002
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Well quick save and load does not working in training modules and considering it's three or four maneuvers to get to the rendezvous only to run out of fuel before you can actually get instructions on how to dock. It's not like you can change the craft either so you're just stuck.

This was meant to be feedback to developers wasn't really looking for comments and probably should have put that in the title of the thread.

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Ok this was really meant as feedback to the developers as the "Training" - For Docking is completely broke. Next issue: If you use quick save and load the game resets put you in space prior to your last maneuver but resets the Kerbin's instructions and you can't move on to the next set of instructions as the triggers are not met. Third try still don't have enough fuel.

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Could just be a piloting issue. Doing a test, the ship starts out with 1564m/s main engine delta v plus RCS, the inclination change done as requested used 400m/s, the burn to rendezvous used 276m/s, closing speed to the target was then reduced by 155m/s. After that the tutorial gets you to switch to RCS to knock off the last 40-50m/s and do the low speed docking steps. All up I used 55% of the LFO and 25% of the monoprop so there's some margin for error. Ignoring the tutorial steps you could save some delta v on the plane change.

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Well being very new to the game. I'm a perfect candidate to say it doesn't work or fails to meet the goal of providing "training". I can't be the only one fumbling through this so either the instructions are poorly written or some critical steps are not clear enough. When creating tutorials it's easy to assume it's ok because prior game knowledge clouds the true first time through experience. I've failed this over 5 times and I've pretty much have given up on it.

Regardless I'm not learning anything nor am I progressing. Not a great "Training" experience, which I'm going to really assume is the goal of the "Training" modules.

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the burn to rendezvous used 276m/s

See this is where the problem lies in the scenario. I am getting a rendezvous burn of 1313 m/s.

The scenario should include text that says you should look for x length of burn or increase the fuel so that players can get there.

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I agree that the docking tutorial isn't great. It's a difficult thing to do and it's hard to get a step by step text of the process without assuming the player has a certain amount of experience in using the manoeuvre nodes. I didn't even try docking until I'd been to the Mun and Minmus many times and I sucked at it until I figured out how to move the prograde and retrograde markers around relative to the target markers on the navball.

Your best bet is probably to look up a docking "how to" video and then practicing a lot. Docking's fairly easy when you know how but it has a very steep learning curve.

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I was finally successful once after about 8 or 9 tries maybe more. It's really a two step process a) getting there B) doing the actual docking. I think it's an important module and a great start but needs a little more polish. It would also make sense to split the module up. This would make it easier to practice the different actions. I know these are new so yeah those are just some suggestions maybe for future updates.

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I did the Docking module a while back to see what all the fuss was about, and I only found it easy because I had docked countless times before. I hardly needed to pay attention to the little dialogue windows. But two things:

  • There is not a lot of hand holding... which is good, considering you are supposed to learn it yourself
  • However, the tutorial really doesn't give you enough instructions. When it tells you to drag the maneuver node around until you get a good intercept, I feel that it is asking too much for a new player. Perhaps, making a maneuver node automatically and then telling the player to drag it around would be an improvement.

Overall, it could use some work.

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