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Map cloaking and satellites


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Hi, I think it would be really fun and add another level of difficulty if you had to have satalites in orbit to be able to see kerbin on the map and be able to use waypoints [kindof like gps] if your satalites died or lost signal you would experience map blackouts. If anyone can't make this please point me in the right direction for some modding guides so I could have a go at it myself.


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There is ScanSat http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369-0-24-SCANsat-v6-1-Real-Scanning-Real-Science-at-Warp-Speed!-Jul-18 for mapping and there is Figaro Global Navigation Satellite System for GPS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24646-0-23-Figaro-Global-Navigation-Satellite-System-Launch-a-Working-Kerbal-GPS-System but none blackout the map think the GPS does or did block GPS from some mods unless you had a network of GPS Sat.

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