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Could a starsystem like this be built with the current Game engine (Unity)


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Howdy Space_Coyote here

Well I've been doing some real indepth seach on the Unity game system and especially the space partof it.. (fte rlall I not only play KSP but other games as well and since this related to one oof those other games, well This is more along the lines of the game engine and not KSP itself..

Now i play in another game call ed "Entropia Universe' and i have looked at the game engine it uses and to be honest, I find that the Unity system is a lot better and in fact would be intretnig to see if someoen could design a planetary system that could be used to acutally traveers around the star system map I have..(and yes in ourother game ther are "Warp points or Jump Oints" that allow you to travel between systems..

But it got me to wondering .. Could a system like this star sytem be created in say Unity.?

(My guess is that it more than likely would be considering that I've seen the thign syo can do both n unity and the Space 4 UNity modules

But any thoughts on this?


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Of course it can be made, Unity3D is simply a game engine, not specifically for space games. But creating a star system is very simple to do. However what detail level is another matter. Should you be able to fly down to a planet surface from orbit? SHould there be trees and grass? Asteroids in orbit? Realistic Newtonian physics? Speed caps or no speed caps? The list goes on and on.

One of the biggest problems in a game that has entire stars systems is scale, and there no being enough "scale" in the game engine. This is a limitation of computers, not the game engine though, and there are ways of working around these limitations. Kerbal Space Program has a pretty nice system that works well for a single player game, but things get much more complicated the moment you try to make it multiplayer and updated at a rate high enough for say a first person shooter game(currently one of the technical issues I am dealing with in the game Stars End).

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Okay well to put it in terms, Le'ts start off with teh basices, and Excilpse, we'll start off with you reply first.

Of course it can be made, Unity3D is simply a game engine, not specifically for space games. But creating a star system is very simple to do. However what detail level is another matter. Should you be able to fly down to a planet surface from orbit? SHould there be trees and grass? Asteroids in orbit? Realistic Newtonian physics? Speed caps or no speed caps? The list goes on and on.

One of the biggest problems in a game that has entire stars systems is scale, and there no being enough "scale" in the game engine. This is a limitation of computers, not the game engine though, and there are ways of working around these limitations. Kerbal Space Program has a pretty nice system that works well for a single player game, but things get much more complicated the moment you try to make it multiplayer and updated at a rate high enough for say a first person shooter game(currently one of the technical issues I am dealing with in the game Stars End).

Okay wel in the cae of flyingup to ornbi to down the only planet that is Earth or Calypso Like I ins in fadct Calypso.. after all thi sgives practially al the informaiton short of Eccentriciyt of orbit and a few otherthinsgg, Can a map be used to lay out the plante tna d make it confince/ Of ocurse.. and on Serfact datail it wouldn't ahave tobe super details (at least it' shouldn't as this would be jsut a test to see what kin fo deail we could get..(I was thinking aobut going with Low Details and go from there.(And yes the Cities would be an iseu if we look at the surface, but other tan that, I jsut want a rouch representation of waht th essytem would look like and Landing and Take off owuld be sort of a Vtol or Svtol Idea.. and if we need space ship, I can actually show you some of the schematics like some of our faster non Warp ships

But other than taht, it's pretty much straight forward so taht you could take off from Calypso (Planet 4 in this system and rravel around it..)

so tat hopefully answers that question..

Now as fo rhte other, I can answer this..

IT would be that you cuold take sometinglike a VSTOL or VOL to take off form planet and fly into space.. andalso reentry effects would be the same. much like waht we have in Kerpa..(As for hte planets most of them as you can see are uninaitable except Planet 4 (The charrt has a good idea of what it sould look like but the orbits i will say this are not to scale and we wk know that the oribt could bee slightly eccentric, or really skewed..(The one taht intyriuges me is the Janus-1/2 planets as the revolve around a central focal point whit the 2 clonces dane around each other.. Other thatn that that's aobut it (Oh and there would be 3 things around planet 4, which is a large asteroid that oculd be flown into and you could park inside the asteroid, (yes an docking bay so youcould enter or leave..

As for Asteroids/ Yes there woul dbe a myrraid of Asteroid s that ould exist but they would nto be as big as one that has a small city and a night club on it..

Other than taht, fele free to get back to me wto see what would be needed from my end, I mean Mps, or anyting else..

So I hop ethat helps


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