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Stock only planet/moon base solution


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So I was bored and decided to launch some random base to Duna when I discovered the service bay part. I thought "Oh kewlies I gotta use this somehow" and thus put some batteries, RCS fuel and stuff in it, the works. When I saw there was some extra room I decided "bugger it ill wack some seats in there" and IT was not until after I landed on the north pole and played around with the new base I saw the possibilities.


free upload image

The service bays could easily be used as little apartments or rooms for kerbals without any wacky mods! This excited me because I prefer to play without any mods n stuff and this tiny discovery means a whole new world of colonizing possibilities and ideas have been enabled. I'm gunna try and make some furniture out of the structure parts in other base now. Also (obviously) the door close to, I dunno, simulate a pressurized environment. Hooray for RP!

Anyway I'm no Scott Manley at KSP seeing as my most valued feat is just getting a manned crew to Duna AND BACK :P but i just kinda thought this was cool...

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The service bays could easily be used as little apartments or rooms for kerbals without any wacky mods! This excited me because I prefer to play without any mods n stuff and this tiny discovery means a whole new world of colonizing possibilities and ideas have been enabled. I'm gunna try and make some furniture out of the structure parts in other base now. Also (obviously) the door close to, I dunno, simulate a pressurized environment. Hooray for RP!

Looks lovely, just be careful. The service bays are known to be Kraken-bait. Especially if you put anything animated in them so that the moving parts clip through the floor or ceiling, if you hang a probe core from the ceiling, or if the moving doors contant anything while moving. And of course Kerbals doing animations are irresistible forces in their own right, so be careful when they're getting out of the seats.

Hopefully, these problems will be fixed eventually.

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Thanks and yeah the kraken did strike my rocket during that launch because the service bay decided to shake and wobble the rocket into destruction. The problem was fixed with good ol' struts in random places though. Also I launched another craft of the same design but replaced the extra resources and RTGs with table and for some reason kraken approved of the furniture and didn't harass me. I landed it near(ish) the equator.

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://s6.postimg.org/7efnu76gh/screenshot259.png' alt='screenshot259.png'>

Also, forgot to mention, this is the first time I've used the KSP forums so, yey!

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