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"Flying" to the Mün

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The Challenge

Fly to the Mün.


It\'s literally that easy... or is it?

Personally, I don\'t think it\'s gonna be all that easy.

Trying to get an air breathing jet engine to give you enough speed to get far enough into orbit that RCS can fly you to the Mün.

Yes, you\'re reading that correctly. No liquid fuel engines. No SRBs. Just air breathing turbines. (a ram jet is still a turbine, right?)

Video would be preferable to see that there really wasnt any liquid fuel engines used...

After thought

If you can get back to Kerbin, awesome. If not, oh well. Not a requirement.

If this turns out to be not that hard, then lets see who can do it in the smallest jet. ^_^

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  • 2 years later...

SERIOUSLY! Don't post a challenge unless it's actually possible! Do it yourself first, and actually put some thought into it! Turbojets lose thrust at high speeds! Here's a chart illustrating that. Please get a mod to take this down.

Edited by NeatCrown
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  NeatCrown said:
SERIOUSLY! Don't post a challenge unless it's actually possible! Do it yourself first, and actually put some thought into it! Turbojets have 0 thrust when moving at high speeds (1.5km/s)! Here's a chart illustrating that. Please get a mod to take this down.


Holy necro, of necros, this is like raising King Tut!

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  NeatCrown said:
SERIOUSLY! Don't post a challenge unless it's actually possible! Do it yourself first, and actually put some thought into it! Turbojets lose thrust at high speeds! Here's a chart illustrating that. Please get a mod to take this down.


Two things though. Please be mindful of the dates when you dig up a post. Also, maybe don't be so rough on people when you post about it. This was definitely a challenge in it's day.



So it's back to Davy Jones' locker for this thread...

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