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The Splashed Down Recovery Aircraft [Sort of Concept]

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This is the first craft I have uploaded to the site, Its a half Jet half Boat designed to recover and supply a splashed down pod before full recovery. The aircraft is not very stable so it requires the SAS to be on at all times. On take-off, with the SAS on, just hold down S to pull up and it should eventually lift off, even if it comes of the end of the runway. Then when approaching splashed down pod, turn off the engines and press space, the wings will detach and the parachutes will deploy. Then put the engines back on when descending in order to land horizontally.

Important info:

The craft is a concept really and it works to an extent.

You can develop the craft if you are good as I am not that good at developing craft :P


Read the instructions above if you have not already

Thanks, here are some images

The images may not work! I am new to this, if not then I will attempt to fix them

She takes a bit of encouragement to get off the ground!


And we are off! Towards the pod we go


Nearly there, Detach wings + deploy chutes


Crunch, a harsh landing, lost 2 out of 3 engines, ah well!


Towards the pod we... float very slowly =P


Claw at the ready!




Now home we go (If you can be bothered)


(Link if images are broken; http://www.flickr.com/photos/79034796@N05/)

Thanks! please don\'t over criticise as I know its a bad design but its the concept I really like


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