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save folder in the cloud

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Heey KSP forums

I work in a venue that also can be rented for private parties.during these parties I only have to be there to answer questions and to assist in case of a emergy. Meaning I have a lot of hours I don't have to do anything but play KSP and keep an eye on the people.

Is there a way I can open a save at work and at home? So I can play a carreer mode in my free time and during my babysit shifts?

Can I place a shortcut to a dropbox folder in the /saves folder both at home and at work? Or something like that?

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Two things I do that might be helpful to you:

1. I have my KSP directory mounted via NFS, which would allow this. It might be a bit too slow to run, though.

2. I also have my home directory backed up every 5 minutes with rdiff-backup, so if screw up, I can revert my persistent.sfs to whatever it was n amount of minutes/hours/days before. This would also allow for a simplistic approach to what you're asking without involving any 3rd parties

Both of the above are primarily made for linux, but I'm sure there are windows equivalents if not ports

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You could install the game on a external drive, or copy the save files over to external if your machine you are using has it installed with the same mods etc.

I did copy my save folder a couple of times onto a stick and took it to work. But this does not always work. There are the times leave from somewhere else to work or I leave in a hurry. (sometimes renters are to early or need more help than usual. I can't tell them to wait because KSP...)

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Back up your file onto a memory stick every time you stop playing KSP. Make a habit of it, and of picking up the stick when you leave the house.

Like keeping your phone charged and with you, or remembering your keys. Make it a routine.

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I can't tell them to wait because KSP...

This seems to be the problem. You're talking nonsense.

But seriously, if you're running windows you could use OneDrive or something similiar and make a symbolic link in your KSP folder to your Saves folder in OneDrive.

This way the actual save files are stored in the sync folders for OneDrive, but KSP when it looks in it's Saves folder it gets automatically redirected to the real location.

Here's a link explaining how to set it up: http://www.howtogeek.com/174765/how-to-sync-any-folder-with-skydrive-on-windows-8.1/

The instructions aren't specific to windows 8.1, they should work on earlier versions too.

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The easiest way to do this is to use something like DropBox, which creates a folder and automatically syncs the files in it to it's own cloud. You then have the problem of KSP not looking in this folder for saved games. This can be resolved by creating a symbolic link within the KSP folder. Only link the saves folder, nothing else.

So, step by step.

1. Create a drop box account and install it on both PC's, which will share the dropbox folder between them.

2. Copy {INSTALLDIR}\Kerbal Space Program\saves to that dropbox folder.

3. Create a symbolic link on both computers in the KSP install directory called saves which uses that folder as a target.

EDIT: I dun got ninjad. With the same link no less. EDIT2: Same website, not same link. My link is a bit more OS generic.

Edited by Alshain
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I kept my whole install in my Dropbox for a while. That way saves, screenshots, mods, logs etc were all synced without having to mess around with symbolic links.

I've gone the whole hog and created links for GameData, Screenshot, Saves, etc. in my Dropbox folder. Works nicely.

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