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What elements / compounds do GRaND and APXS analyze?


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So I'm working on a mod for science parts, including a Dawn style Gamma Ray and Neuton Detector and Sojourner style Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer.

I've read the wiki pages several times about them and tried googling a lot, but I couldn't find specifically what compounds or elements they can detect. I've read that neither instrument can really detect "any" element, and I know they don't work differently but I've read that an APXS can only detect around 20 different elements.

Anyway, I was hoping maybe someone could shed some light on this? Or point me to the right place to find this information?

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According to NASA, GRaND can detect "major, rock forming elements, such as O, Mg, Si, Al, Ca, Ti, and Fe; incompatible elements, including K and Th, detected by gamma ray emissions from the decay of long-lived radioisotopes; and H, C, N, and Cl, which are constituents of ices and products of aqueous alteration of silicate minerals."

So most, if not all, of the elements you'd be interested in and you could perhaps infer the presence of some simple compounds too. That NASA page includes a pretty decent summary of the science behind GRaND too.

Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometers can be used to detect elements heavier than fluorine via particle induced X-ray emission. They can also detect elements via Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and I would expect heavier elements to be easier to detect by RBS than lighter elements.

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