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We are all murderers - how many Kerbals did you kill?


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"When I look at you, AmbassadorCyberSoul, I see a great hand, reaching out of a star. The hand is your hand, and all around I hear millions of voices crying your name."

"My followers?"

"Your victims."

– Elric the Technomage, to Londo Mollari - Babylon 5

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alot.. see my locomotive 4408 mark 2... well there once was a 4401 before that.. along with LL1001X series that went to LL1007X experimental trains..

from there the LL1001 series went upto LL1009..

each train had roughly 6 crew..

and lets not talk about the purely passenger multiple unit sets that were designed as express bullet trains... because the only thing they did quickly was kill :)

just today.. 4408 II lost her entire crew with a total generator failure half way up a mountain.. it wasnt pretty ;.;

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I once threw many kerbals out of an ssto, while being suborbital, to show a friend how funny this game is... i feel terible about it now.

I killed many kerbals by flying against mountains because i trusted the map screen.

I once forgot to return the kerbals befor reentrying a station.

I was watching a movie while warping into a planet with serveral kerbals.

I suicide burned kerbals into Mun.

But i can't remember killing some because of enineering errors... time to fix that

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I hired and filled for almost 30 minutes once. Dont know how many there were. Kerbals were costing hundreds of millions. Got like 10 fps when it finally loaded. Proceeds to launch fine, but around 250m/s it suddenly becomes a huge explosion with very little actual debris. I think a couple little cube struts survived until impact. There had to have been hundreds of kerbals ready to colonize laythe all go up in an instant.

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Total lifetime fatality count is about 30 or so, and thats since I started playing. Another thing to bear in mind, almost twenty of those casualties were caused by Jool. Assorted mining, colonization, and science missions all gone wrong. Beware, for she is a cruel mistress.

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I actually wanted to take a screenshot of my 'Lost' roster for the forums before I ended up restarting.

I lost 30 Kerbals within a couple days, each accidentally and uniquely, sometimes due to pilot error, sometimes due to engineering defects.

My favourite has to be the high velocity re-entries though. FAR rips your craft apart, your desperation parachutes all rip off, and your slow-down-burn does nothing. You have to make the choice of riding that thing to the ground, or bailing and hoping your little guy wins a diceroll with the kraken.

Good times :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Killed another 12 today thanks to parachutes burning on reentry. I have no idea why, but it's not like Kerbin doesn't have an abundance of Kerbals. I may have to get an extension put in the memorial site though.

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I can't say for certain how many I have killed...

When I play with weapon mods like BD Armory I tend to have all vehicles be probe controlled rather than kerbal, so I only lose a kerbal when I get shot down/destroyed by my own defenses.

Outside of that I find that I generally keep them alive, with a few exceptions. In just the last few weeks I had a spaceplane explode which killed 3 kerbals (technically only 1 on the plane, the other two died... in other horrible ways). And a catastrophic failure in an attempt to set up a mun base in my career ended up claiming a little over 30 kerbals...

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I killed 1152 kerbals just over 2 hours ago when I accidentally deorbited my Space Station V replica.... along with the 26 in the Aries Ib and the 6 in the Orion III... okay, I guess that's 1184 kerbals in total.


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Since I have a godly powers in KSP universe I have only lost three. Kraken ate them and there's nothing even I as a 'god' could do to save them. Still, if I had no control over the F5/F9/Revert their number could have been measured by hundreds if not thousands by now.

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I restart my mission if a kerbal dies. I just don't have the heart to kill them. I don't send them out without a way to get home or if I have to, I rescue them. :wink: Those ones who need rescuing in the career mode contracts though.... I try to get them if I can, but hey, I didn't launch you out there buddy.

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  • 4 months later...

I am a train driver..

Its been over 2 years now..

I say this with guilt and shame because before freight trains carrying fuel and ore..

There was the most murderous of inventions..

The 6 car passenger train..

Of these there were many

None ever got to thier destination..

A sad but true statement of my experience

In the end the trains themselves mattered more than the crew..

Not very nice is it :)

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