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[1.0.5] Gryphon textures for Procedural Fairings v1.4


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This is a small mod adding four new types of procedural fairings to e-dog's PF. Since they won't be of much use without something to attach them to, an install of the aforementioned Procedural Fairings is a prerequisite.

The currently included fairings are:

- Angara-style with three texture options.

- generic grey fairing one w/ Black Arrow texture option

- Tsiklon-style

- Soyuz-style


As of version 1.1, this addon comes bundled with Snjo's awesome Firespitter plugin.



Download here:


Warning: update 1.4 changes some part and texture names and might be craft-breaking! For those who have a previous version installed: remove the fairings from all crafts that use it; delete the entire "GameData\Gryphon folder; install new version. Send me a PM if you need a download link to the old version.


1.4 	- fixed shading bug on all fairing types
	- new interior for Angara textures
	- better texture compression used, should reduce the amount of off-colour pixels
	- updated typos and manufacturer info


1.3.5 - increased the grey texture's resolution and made a new interior for it

1.3.1 - minor fixes

1.3 - added Soyuz 2.1 fairing, fixed boattail of blank Angara texture (no detailing was showing up)

1.2 - added two more texture options, updated some normal maps, added texture switcher to Grey fairing

1.1 - added Firespitter texture switching functionality to the Angara fairing, updated Tsyklon interior

1.01 - fixed config file for grey fairing to include the ThermalMassModifier line and...not explode.

1.0 - initial release

- Textures are way too glossy. I'll need to fix this somehow.
- "Angara" and "Grey" parts show up without texture in part list.
- I'm bad at making believable interiors


Download. Unzip. Move "Gryphon" and "Firespitter" folders into your GameData folder.



LICENSE AS OF 23.1.2016:

the Firespitter plugin is made by Snjo, accessible here.

Procedural fairings mod and models are made by e-dog (using a CC-BY license)

the outside textures are made by me and are licensed under a CC-BY license.

Download icon made by Designerz Base.

Roscosmos logo and mission patches belong to their respective organisations.

Additionally uses CC-BY licensed textures by Sweetsoulsister, halfthelaw, Bob Hosking, webtreats, seier+seier, Paul LLoyd. Links in readme.

And thanks to blackheart612, and others, for inspiration and help!


Work in progress:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Ravenchant
Fixed DL link
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  vardicd said:
xEvilreeperx made a mode to change the confetti to a clam shell : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124031-1-0-2-Stock-Clamshell-Fairings-%28June-1%29


[Hype intensifies]

@danilon62: you mean like this?


It has some weird shading issues, but this may just be a side effect of moving all sliders except for textures to minimum so as to, you know, not horribly murder my notebook.

Edit: maybe I should incorporate FS texture switcher... *rambles away*

Edited by Ravenchant
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  Ravenchant said:

Edit: maybe I should incorporate FS texture switcher... *rambles away*

I was thinking this when I first saw this lil mod, would reduce clutter in VAB and generally be more convenient.

this is awesome though! I just got procedural parts for the first time and this along with that gives me so much freedom now to make a lifter that looks exactly like I want it to :D

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First priority is now to make my own interior texture. CBBP's ones look really good, but until I drop them I can't really make the license more permissive- the goal is CC-BY for everything.

So I looked at some references, made a higher resolution base texture, and copied the Soyuz fairing config...then I kinda ended up with, well, this.


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just a heads up I think your fairings need the line

emissiveConstant = 0.4

because they kept exploding on me and I guessed it would be a lack of this, 0.4 is the default but that seems to make it so they don't explode on me (they might if I went too fast through the atmosphere though, haven't tried that yet :P)

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I'm not quite sure why he'd need that tbh - aren't these fairing basically exact duplicates of the standard PF fairing only with replaced textures? Comparing the cfg files I see nothing different except some variations in noseConeShape. The PF fairings do not have the emissiveConstant parameter set anywhere either so wouldn't it fallback on the default value if it's not defined for both models? I'm really curious as to the answer to this as I'm just starting to build some of my own mods so every little piece of data helps when designing new parts.

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  rasta013 said:
I'm not quite sure why he'd need that tbh - aren't these fairing basically exact duplicates of the standard PF fairing only with replaced textures? Comparing the cfg files I see nothing different except some variations in noseConeShape. The PF fairings do not have the emissiveConstant parameter set anywhere either so wouldn't it fallback on the default value if it's not defined for both models? I'm really curious as to the answer to this as I'm just starting to build some of my own mods so every little piece of data helps when designing new parts.

ahahah thanks for mentioning this I said the wrong thing

what I meant was:

thermalMassModifier = 4.0

the grey fairings don't have it but the other two do, they kept exploding on me suddenly.

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  Ravenchant said:
First priority is now to make my own interior texture. CBBP's ones look really good, but until I drop them I can't really make the license more permissive- the goal is CC-BY for everything.

So I looked at some references, made a higher resolution base texture, and copied the Soyuz fairing config...then I kinda ended up with, well, this.


For comparison, what's your nose cone shape (the series of 4 numbers) for Soyuz? And what's your nose height ratio?

I made my own Soyuz fairing a while back and just wanna see. These are my values.

noseConeShape=0.35, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0

Also, for those of you looking to make your own fairing shapes, use this site to get the series of 4 coordinates you need to make the shape.

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  Squiggsy said:
ahahah thanks for mentioning this I said the wrong thing

what I meant was:

thermalMassModifier = 4.0

the grey fairings don't have it but the other two do, they kept exploding on me suddenly.

AH HA! Cool, I was just coming back to the thread to mention that I noticed that when I was just looking at them again. That one is an addition to make and I've now done so as well. I hadn't exploded probably because I just love that Angara texture so much! LOL

And Ravenchant - that example texturing up top there looks pretty cool. I personally dig the gritty used look on the interior - adds flavor.

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  Squiggsy said:
ahahah thanks for mentioning this I said the wrong thing

what I meant was:

thermalMassModifier = 4.0

the grey fairings don't have it but the other two do, they kept exploding on me suddenly.

Thank you! Turns out the config file I was using for them was from an older version of PF :P Fixed and updated!

  planeguy868 said:
For comparison, what's your nose cone shape (the series of 4 numbers) for Soyuz? And what's your nose height ratio?

I made my own Soyuz fairing a while back and just wanna see. These are my values.

noseConeShape=0.35, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0

Also, for those of you looking to make your own fairing shapes, use this site to get the series of 4 coordinates you need to make the shape.

Thanks for that link :) I was just making a bezier curve in Inkscape and eyeballing the coordinates before.

As for Soyuz...

noseConeShape=0.54, 0, 0.52, 0.035

The blue (Simorgh) fairing posted earlier has the same shape, but a lower noseHeightRatio.

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I'm wondering about creating a module manager patch to allow texture switching on the regular procedural fairings. Obviously it only comes with 2 shape options, but being able to choose from the same textures on fairings as for procedural tanks and whatnot would be great, and would potentially allow this mod's additional shapes to also use the texture best suited for the situation. Has anyone tried to do something like this?

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  woot said:
I'm wondering about creating a module manager patch to allow texture switching on the regular procedural fairings. Obviously it only comes with 2 shape options, but being able to choose from the same textures on fairings as for procedural tanks and whatnot would be great, and would potentially allow this mod's additional shapes to also use the texture best suited for the situation. Has anyone tried to do something like this?

Well, there's Snjo's Firespitter .dll, which includes a texture switching module. In fact, I just played around with it for a while and it works well! The only problem so far is that it needs to load both textures when the only difference are the insignia. Does anybody know if there's a workaround?


I'll update the OP as soon as possible!

Edit: OP updated. I can't include the International Launch Services logo at the moment as its use is restricted. Hmm, what to do...

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Yeah I'm most of the way done making an MM patch to let every fairing switch between every fairing texture I can find. Should be cool.

Regarding the insignias, I wonder if keeping the texture constant and then switching the insignias by prying into the flag system would work. Just thinking out loud.

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