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Upgradeable buildings not upgrading

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I noticed a new (and very annoying) bug last night on my modded install.

When upgrading mission control, I select the building and buy the upgrade so I can get more contracts. Upon entering the building to pick up more contracts, I'm still limited to two. Upon a scene change, the mission control has reverted to its tier 1 model and I can buy the upgrade again, deducting the cost from my funds a second time, but the upgrade still doesn't stick with the same results as before.

Additionally, selecting buildings is very difficult. They aren't highlighted correctly and it's hard to find just the right place to click to get into them. I encountered this bug before, but I thought it was due to Kerbin-Side which I've since removed, but the problem has persisted.

Is this a known issue with a particular mod?

These are the mods I currently have installed:

Filter Extensions



Contract Configurator

Custom Barn Kit



Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Kerbol Plus




Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Pilot Assistant

Planet Shine

Texture Replacer

Ven's Stock Revamp

Vessel View

(give or take, I'm on my laptop which has a similar but not quite the same install as my gaming desktop so I'm doing this partially from memory)

Anyways, has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution?

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I hear this is a problem with the x64 executable on Windows

...which was not released for 1.0.x so cannot be the issue.

With the Windows 64-bit version of 0.90, the buildings had the tier three model from the start but only functioned as tier 1 buildings, with no option to upgrade. That is slightly different to the issue reported here. But that would indeed have been the prime suspect before 1.0 hit.

Do any of those mods store data in your save file, or mess around with it in any way? It's possible that something is corrupting or overwriting the save file and causing it to revert the changes or simply not save them in the first place. Any building related mods would also be suspect, but I don't see any on that list. (What is custom barn kit?)

Are any of the mods outdated?

Because it's specifically mission control, try removing contract configurator. (back up your save file first)

If that doesn't fix it, try removing mods until it works. Then you can narrow it down to a single mod.

Edited by TheMoonRover
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I'm not using 64-bit and I created a new career and made sure all my mods were updated before I started. I'm not sure if the other buildings exhibit the same issue as well, I quit for the night when I noticed the issue twice (I deleted the game I saw it initially on and removed Kerbin-Side since I suspected that might be causing it) but the new career exhibited the same issue.

Custom Barn Kit is a mod by Sarbian that lets you change the upgradeable building parameters (i.e. cost, what unlocks when) so that could be another possible culprit, although I didn't see anyone reporting any issues like I was seeing on the thread for it. I'll start by removing that next.

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