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Shaders and KSP

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Hi! I see the ReShade effects becoming popular lately, but that shaders are a bit fps expensive for my taste...

So... although I'm a total noob with all this... I'm trying to add a blur/dirtylens shader ( https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/9133 ) in KSP.

As far as I know, I need to put the shader in a project (unity), add it to the camera and later compile it for KSP.

I don't find any usable tutorial or forum thread about this topic.

I can add the effect into a new project, even tune it (without preview)... but I don't know how to port it to KSP.

I've seen this too: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109269-Custom-Shader-Loader-2-0-release

But I don't know if the camera counts as "child object". I'm not even sure about how to identify the cameras, to apply the effect properly... So I don't know if this is useful for me.

Can someone give a hand to a fool like me?

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It's not possible to use an assetstore package directly in ksp, and Custom Shader Loader is for parts only, so you'd have to write up your own plugin.

First, you'd have to load the assetstore package into unity and copy the individual assets (shaders, textures, etc.) into a folder in /GameData/, and load those using code.Then, you'd have to copy the scripts included in the package into your own plugin, and add the script to every camera you want to add them too, once again using code. Probably just the flight camera, IVA cameras, and the planetarium camera.

Edited by MrHappyFace
I suck at using words
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