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The Diaries of a Kerbalnaut


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Howdy Folks. I saw everyone making mission reports, and after 250+ hours of blowing up rockets, figured I'd start my own.

I'll be breaking it up into different areas of operation, since I've got missions ongoing in several parts of the solar system. I'll be updating them as I explore and develop there. Below will be a list of hyperlinks to the posts that pertain to said area of operations.

As of 6/2/15

-Well, I made this first post! Will be updating later with more content, and plenty of pictures as I go along. My current mission is to send a salvo of probes to the Jool system, which I have never explored before, and hopefully recover science from each major body in orbit! Stay tuned!






>>Mission 1: Scanning http://imgur.com/a/m86RY#0

>>Mission 2: One Way Trip http://imgur.com/a/axpO0#0

- - - Updated - - -

Mission report 1: Satellite to Jool!


As shown in the pictures above (hopefully, assuming I did this right), I sent a SCAN satellite to the Jool system to start mapping out Biomes for an inevitable manned mission. I flew all around the system, gathering data from the inner three bodies, finally stopping at Laythe, because I ran out of fuel! Still got some pretty pictures, though!

Edited by Indy
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We all need more Jool in our lives. :)

What's the gold-foil tank near the top of that satellite? Procedural tanks? Or some other mod part I've missed?

(As for the album posting, it needs to be inside IMGUR tags... but I'm on mobile right now and can't recall the exact format.)

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We all need more Jool in our lives. :)

What's the gold-foil tank near the top of that satellite? Procedural tanks? Or some other mod part I've missed?

(As for the album posting, it needs to be inside IMGUR tags... but I'm on mobile right now and can't recall the exact format.)

The gold-foil at the top of the satellite is the structural material of a telescope, part of the SCANsat mod, I highly suggest it!

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Jool Mission 2 report: One Way Trip...


Mission report inside, but a TL;DR:

"Today I learned that you need lots o' electricity to power them fancy Ion engines! Also, don't slap on a few batteries and think everything will be alright, over-engineer the living crap out of it"

At least, that's how I felt about it xD

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