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The Next "SpaceX"?


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It's far easier to launch something from Earth with a reusable launcher than it is to build a space elevator on the moon, land huge amounts of infrastructure, then send things build by the infrastructure into LEO. That plan is insane in the brain.

It's also easier to rub two sticks together then to build a factory to assemble plastic and metal parts into a complex configuration that if filled with kerosene and spun produce a flame.

I dont know about you, but I prefer buying a lighter over rubbing two sticks together.

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I'd say, to get more frequent launches, you need more payloads, not another cabbie.

I fail to see how suborbital Ferris wheel for rich people is related to the topic. Am I missing something?

@that first part. Agreed...

There might be a falcon heavy, but it certainly won't be launching without payloads.

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