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More advanced Remote Tech Flight Computer or K-OS WYSIWYG


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Hey guys,

Playing with Remote Tech, using K-OS to make programs to control your space ships are almost a necessity once you start going far away from Kerbin. Navigating at and around the Mun is feasible manually, but even as close as Minmus the delay start throwing you off. Around other planets any manual direct control is next to impossible.

While Remote Tech does include a flight computer, apart from very simple burns and "Execute Maneuver node" it's not very useful, as it's built only on countdown clock.

So, what we got is K-OS, which is a pure brilliant mod. The problem with K-OS is that it's complicated. For me, often too complicated to be fun. Debugging scripts is in general not something I enjoy, and doing it while i'm supposed to have fun playing a game even less so.

What I would love is a "click and drag" version of K-OS, or perhaps just a more advanced version of the RT Flight Computer. I'm not looking for something super advanced such as Mech Jeb. I don't want something that play the game for me. I do want to do the planning.

I'm thinking a syntax such as "When X Set Y Until Z", where you can choose the options from a dropdown or similar. These commands would then stack in a similar fashion to the current flight computer, executing one after another. With the "When" and "Until" statements being optional, you could built quite advanced programs in a very simple fashion. Imagine this as a launch sequence:

Set "Heading: 90,90,90"

Set "Thrust: 100%"

When "Altitude: 5KM" Set "Heading: 70,90,90"

When "Altitude: 10KM" Set "Heading: 45,90,90"

When "Apoapsis: 75KM" Set "Thrust: 0%"

Set "Heading: Prograde"

When "Altitude: 72KM" Set "Thrust: 100%" Until "Periapsis: 75KM"

Now, I can't remember my numbers, but you catch my drift.

A mod like this would give many of the simpler benefits of K-OS (No loops and advanced logic), but this is something that would take a minute to set up, and any idiot could do it, unlike K-OS.

(I am aware that this specific example would be quite easy in K-OS as well, but it was the best I could think of on top of my head)

Now, i'm sure someone thinks "Just make it yourself", and I probably could. But it would never get done. I know myself too well, and this project would be stuffed into a dusty corner of my dropbox folder in a matter of days. I am very well aware that this is not a small, simple, mod request.

So, instead I hope that there are other people who have thought "K-OS is just brilliant, but it's just too much work when i'm supposed to have fun and relax", whom actually ENJOYS writing code, and whom also happen to think that this is a good idea.

Kindest Possible Regards,


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Not what you asked for, but another option for automated control is Smart Parts which can fire action groups or stage based on triggers (altitude, proximity, resources, etc).

If RemoteTech had altitude/speed triggered commands instead of just timed commands, that'd be pretty cool. However the RemoteTech people have rejected such ideas in the past - RemoteTech provides simple commands, and if you want more, upgrade to kOS.

I do think a Flight-Computer style GUI that plopped out kOS scripts would be helpful. In the meantime, there's a lot of prewritten scripts already: http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/Mission_toolkit_v3

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search around the Add-on Development forums there was a WYSIWIG sort of kOS alternative under development last year at some point. Looked cool but seems to have ceased since I've not seen the thread pop up in a while and I've completely forgotten the name

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I actually remembered that project. For me that ended up feeling MORE complicated then K-OS, instead of less. I guess it's because I actually do know how to code already (I just don't enjoy it), while this was a complete new way of looking at it. Was very interesting, and with more polish could probably have been completely awesome.

Like Hab136 says, it's more of a Remote Tech with additional triggers that I would want personally.

I had also looked at Smart Parts before, and it does some of the things I would like, but because it's limited to triggering action groups and staging it doesn't really go far enough.

Anyway, thanks for your replies guys, I will keep crossing my fingers that time, skill and inclination will spot this and think to themselves that this is something the game really, really should have :)

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