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Lots of new parts for KSP...

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I have lots and lots of new part ideas for KSP.

1. CRC(Cordinate Retain Controller(you can change the name)), Press U to activate it has 5 sizes the bigger is the faster and more power usage it also moves the wings and engines to hold the ships hight and more(you can select which directions it controls in the SAS method, foward/backward,left/right,up/down)

2. A super lite procedural part that looks like a fairing but can link around parts and can be used for making a blimp, it also can have its color changed like the lights

3. A procedural wing that has toggle able fuel settings, also with it mainly a procedural wing set mainly everything that goes with the wing catigorie

4. A External Fuel Duct with crossfeed to both connections

5. Pods, SAS, Landing Gear, Batterys, Air intanks, RCS Tanks, Jet Engines, and cargo bays for the kerbodyne tanks

6. Procedural nose cone parts

7. Better controlling of giant ships(with more computer pods)

8. Flexable parts

9. Engine Rotators, a gear that can rotated engines and parts and also and be toggled to be controlled by a SAS or my CRC idea, it can be rotated infinatly far aslong as it doesn't hit anything, speed, max or min distance(if toggled), and acceleration can be set but used more power the larger(accept for max distance)

10. Fuel Drill, can drill the power and any type of fuel out of a fuel tank, can be handy if you forgot docking ports or a fuel tank fell off while in space

11. Procedural Lights with color, size, rotation, width, length, hight, distance, light widith/hight/length, shape(circle, square, triangle, pentagon(up to an octagon))

12. Rope ladders(Are Procedural for the length)

13. Procedural Glass(for a window or a view)

14. Procedural SAS

15. Heavy Procedural Parts(for changing the center of mass)

16. Lot of ways and parts to decorate your ship

17. Procedural Landing Struts

18. :)

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As r4apt0r said: not really a fan of too many procedural parts. The fairings are OK. But wings and tanks should stay as they are.

My presonal list of what is mandatory:

-Electric propellers

-Mk3 cargo ramp

-Fuel hoses

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