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craft modification for 1.0

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Now that I finished GTAV I'm going back to KSP.

Pre 1.0 I had a craft that was capable of landing on all planets (including Moho and Tylo).

Basically it had 5 KR-2L to get the craft to orbit and do a main burn, and 2 LV-N for course corrections and landing.

Both engines were nerfed in 1.0.. what do ppl are using now? Please give me any info. I read I don't need oxidizer for LV-N anymore, so that's one info.

Thanks in advance.

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There are to many changes to list them all in one post. However you have to know that single-stage-to-anywhere is dead. In the 1.0.2 SSTO-s are only practical to LKO. Try to build with as little wing as possible. Flight profile has dramatically changed with "nerfed" jet eninges. The best for you is to visit this thread.

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The KR2L is no longer very good at sea level. Use it as a heavy upper stage engine. Also what viktor said, SST-anywhere is almost dead, at least for vertical liftoff things. A spaceplane without a payload might still make ike and back but I'm not sure.

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Atm Isp really means something now - pre-1.0 uses a constant thrust variable fuel consumption model which is a really bad model and significantly overpowered those engine that perform bad in atm. Now things are on the right track. So you need an engine that is doing the right job, and KR2L doesn't sound the right engine to take off on launchpad with decent air pressure.

For me, I don't use any fixed engine - everything for me is designed from top down, and when I get there, I'll pick the right engine.

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