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My first spaceplane~


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Maybe the boosters were a little overkill on such a small plane.

Still, standard comment is MOAR boosters (for explosion) Less boosters if you were actually planning to fly it...

Can\'t remove them, since then the plane can\'t get off the ground ^^

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Yeah, that looks a lot like my attempts at a stock spaceplane, only I didn\'t use SRB\'s. Those jet engines we get are powerful enough as they are.

After a dozen tries, three different craft, several modifications to all three, I have firmly decided I am a ballistic man.

Good vid, though. Very entertaining.

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good start my first few designs never really liked to stay on the runway but they had a pretty high glide ratio and cruising speed, one trick i find useful with hard to control craft is the longer it is, the less ot matters where you put the engines along the vertical plane. ie a nice long nose heavy delta wig is more tolerant of displaced engines as opposed a short acrobatic plane.

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