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North Korea's 5th satellite attempt-7th Feb 2016

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Oh goody, news from the hermit kingdom... /s

Over the past few months space has become a big topic in their news and general discussion (stuff like their new satellite control centre, etc). As well as this various officials have been saying they will launch a new sat soon, even the big guy claimed he wanted one for the October celebrations (NK 70th anniversary), it should also be noted October always comes up in these claims. And now just today another head official from NADA claimed they were building a newer, more advanced satellite for a launch soon. Considering the special event and recent activity in Sohae.SLS, i'm going to assume that they are serious and that we should prepare for it; so here's a quick breakdown.

Date; 7th Feb 2016

Launch site; Sohae Satellite Launching Station, after being upgraded for two years Sohae is ready for launches. Same procedure as before although they may use the new HAB and transporter built there.

Rocket; Unha.

Satellite; KwangmyÃ…ÂngsÃ…Âng-4, supposedly a more advanced national surveillance satellite for resources, disasters, blah blah blah. You get the drift.

Notes; This will be NADA's first mission, are they up to the challenge or are simply "nothing". This could be NK's first successful mission considering K-3 didn't even work.

Predictions; An 'interesting' month, maybe some explosions, laughing at North Korea, AA guns/flamethrowers, an international s**t-storm.

Edited by xenomorph555
Updated launch date
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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
I'm actually rather curious. Let's see how the Great Leader's nation will fare. Though, to be fair, if their launch fails spetacularly they will just remove any evidence that they ever launched a rocket.

...which won't stop everyone else from laughing at them, of course.

Oh no True Korea never hides a launch.... they'll just claim it launched successfully anyway :rolleyes:

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Given that the dear leader is personally responsible for everything in DPRK, right down to the design of the desks they sit on, I'd say there's an above-zero chance that he's been here.

Managing your own space program is a pretty niche subject, there can't be many places to go for information, after all.

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Oh NO! Can't you guys see!? North Korea is FINALLY ENTERING THE 60's! Pretty soon they will have colour television and microwave ovens! Within the next 50 years they will invent the computer and then we will have to listen to their government on adds before youtube videos!

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North Korea has not been able to keep pace with the rest of the world. In particular they lack modern microprocessor and materials technologies. They have alienated themselves from everyone (including China) and can not produce enough food to feed their civilization. Internal descent is more frequent then it at first appears as many people are forced to operate black market business rather openly simply to survive. The country is not catching up. Not keeping pace. but falling behind. While I do not doubt that they will eventually launch a successful satellite, and that they have managed to invent nuclear weapons, these achievements are not considered modern. Nuclear weapons have been around since 1945 and North Korea tested theirs in 2006. Orbit capable rockets... 1957. DPRK.. pending (maybe 2016).

This indicates that North Korea is about 60 years behind. I do not criticize North Korea for having propaganda. I criticism them for having BAD propaganda. Then again it wasn't made for me. It was made for the citizens of the DPRK.

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And I criticise you for having no idea what you're talking about. Trade links with China are strong and getting stronger, there's considerable investment coming out of the Russian far east, and most of the 'black market' activity is semi-official and tolerated. I'll admit some of this stuff can be pretty unclear from the gutter press most people bother reading, but for ....'s sake they put up a satellite three years ago and everybody and their uncle ran a paranoid story about it.

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  Alias72 said:
Which still puts them behind the curve. And I will continue to criticize a regime that cannot feed its people and that heaps tremendous praise upon a single autocrat.

They're feeding the people just fine, mostly thanks to the trade links with China that you just said don't exist. It's rather odd you'd criticise them for 'not keeping pace' when you personally appear to be stuck somewhere in the mid 90s.

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  Kryten said:
It truly amazes me that people can criticise the DPRK for propoganda, and then turn around and produce the kind of stuff we're getting in this thread.

And im amazed at how some people cant take a simple joke.

- - - Updated - - -

  Kryten said:
And I criticise you for having no idea what you're talking about. Trade links with China are strong and getting stronger, there's considerable investment coming out of the Russian far east, and most of the 'black market' activity is semi-official and tolerated. I'll admit some of this stuff can be pretty unclear from the gutter press most people bother reading, but for ....'s sake they put up a satellite three years ago and everybody and their uncle ran a paranoid story about it.

Maybe that because no one trusts a insane dictatorship that threatens war every other day with space based platforms?

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Guys we have to stop this. It is off topic and the mods will eventually shut it down. I have already sent a pm but honestly we should get back to the satellite. crazyewok thank you but he is right about me not researching my criticism. You are also right about my lack of sympathies to a dictatorship. Issue concluded.

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When it comes to DPRK I think it's fair to say that everyone in this thread is speaking from positions of relative ignorance, given how little information actually makes its way out of the country.

As an outsider looking in, things like the satellite maps at night sure look to me like a country that is not-entirely in the 21st century, but I'm open to the possibility I'm dead wrong.

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  pxi said:
When it comes to DPRK I think it's fair to say that everyone in this thread is speaking from positions of relative ignorance, given how little information actually makes its way out of the country.

As an outsider looking in, things like the satellite maps at night sure look to me like a country that is not-entirely in the 21st century, but I'm open to the possibility I'm dead wrong.

Pretty accurate.

We don't have a clue really whats right or whats propaganda.

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