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WK mk1 interceptor; My first detailed fighter in KSP

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This is a bit of a long time coming, so without further ado, I present The War Kraken mk1 interceptor jet!



It's design was inspired by a few modern day fighter jets. It has 2 turbojets in the back for it's main engines, but also a single RAPIER to kick it into high gear. Unfortunately, this does not mean this is an SSTO. But thanks to it, this baby can go past the sound barrier at sea level, and get to mach 3 before reaching 10 km. It's weaponry include 6 light missiles and 2 heavy missiles, although feel free to replace it with your own weaponry.

Key bindings:

1: Start turbojets

2: Start RAPIER

3: Switch RAPIER mode

4: Close Intakes

5: Fire 2 heavy missiles

6-8: Fire lighter missiles (Must fire in exact order)

Craft file coming soon...

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