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Career contracts

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This may seem trivial but can 'important' missions, like first orbit/ first Mun visit etc NOT have an 18 hour or whatever expiration? I 'lost' the chance to complete my first Orbital flight since i didn't have it accepted and did something in the meanwhile that required me to speed up time. Having them 'permanent' like the records seems like a better idea or just give them the expiry as the duration they're available to be accepted. Also, the window is too damned small to show multiple contracts at the same time, especially the fidgity '300 to 500 m/s while at between 14000 and 150000' which you're trying to do at the same time as the 400 to 600/ 14000 to 180000 of another part.

Also, currently as of 1.0.2, with the stock hangar and more or less tier 1-2 parts maximum, achieving orbit is quite hard, while contracts advertising orbits are common.. and that's coming from someone that has played some KSP before (way before, but still counts).

Overall i have to say i like career, but i'd have some things flipped around on the research board. Struts, 'empty' structural components and pipes for example should be a lot easier to get. It's more a matter of getting locked in a choice of how to play instead of creative problem-solving with what you have on hand. Let's not even discuss planes.

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