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Are the PPFX and tempgauge memoryleaks one and the same or are they different ones?

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From what sal_vager said in another thread, it sounds like the PPFX and tempgauge memory leaks are the same, but are they actually the same one or are they different? I heard that there is a memory leak from PPFX, but I thought the temp gauge one was it's own memory leak?

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They seem to be different, IME. I was under the impression that it was the PPFX that caused leaky memory, and indeed when I disabled it the out of memory crashes disappeared for my smaller craft. But when I used a larger craft that had more parts that got into critical temperature ranges I started getting crashes again. So now I run with PPFX off and only enable the gauges for a few moments at a time to check temps.

This can't be fixed soon enough, we need some indication of heating problems before parts explode. Hopefully 1.0.3 nips it in the bud.

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