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Reset activated-but-not-deployed-chutes?

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Hello there

I have a serious problem in my career campaign right now.

Put a vessel into orbit, and it has tourists on board. Then like the clutz I am I hit spacebar instead of z and it activated all the chutes. Of course they didn't deploy in space, they're "blue" now. But if I now reenter onto Kerbal they will get destroyed by the heat. I cannot load, I have that deactivated.

I put a rescue mission into orbit, right next to them (spent my last science on getting working rescue vehicle parts), and even had an engineer (BILLY!) with me. Thought he maybe could repack the chutes or just deactivate them. But nope, can't do anything with the chutes.

Wouldn't be that big of a problem if I could just transfer the tourists over to the rescue vehicle, but they can't exit their craft of course.

So now I am stuck. What to do?

Edited by EngineerBill
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First, make sure no spacecraft enters a kerbal. Youre reentering to kerbin.

Did the "cut chutes" option appear? Try doing that and repacking the chutes.

:D true, thanks.

And no, the cut chutes option does not appear. There is nothing when I click the chutes, neither from inside nor outside the craft.

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Right-click on each parachute and change the minimum deploy pressure setting to something like 0.3. That way they won't deploy until about 6-7km up, by which time outside temperatures will be much lower and they won't burn off. I set mine up this way in the VAB so I don't have to remember to trigger them on the way down.

I don't think there is a way to reset the state in-game, but you could probably do it by editing the savegame file, if you know what you're doing.

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Right-click on each parachute and change the minimum deploy pressure setting to something like 0.3. That way they won't deploy until about 6-7km up, by which time outside temperatures will be much lower and they won't burn off. I set mine up this way in the VAB so I don't have to remember to trigger them on the way down.

I don't think there is a way to reset the state in-game, but you could probably do it by editing the savegame file, if you know what you're doing.

Thanks those were some very good advices! I will change the savegame... I reckon it's the "persistentState = ACTIVE" which I have to change to "persistentState = STOWED" for all the chutes :-) don't want to mess with the minimum deploy pressure since I don't know the craft (it's my first orbital ferry, don't know how it behaves on reentry)

edit: I also apparently had to change the "active = False" to "active = True" under the "Events {Deploy{" section

edit2: none of the savegame edits worked ... I tried putting the chutes into their own control group (didn't save), edited the quicksave and persistent.sfs at the same time, none of those worked... I have given up now on editing the savegame.

Will try the min air pressure... sigh, let's hope for the best for the poor kerbals

had it set to 0.4 and it opened right at 5500m

thanks again

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yeah, if I recall correctly, engineers need atleast one star to repack chutes. I don't know if they can do that to armed chutes that haven't been deployed yet. If you have realchutes though, you should be able to disarm them from inside the capsule.

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