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Anti-Aliasing, nVidia in Linux - The Sequel

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So in this thread I found out I have no idea what I'm talking about regarding AA in Linux:


The OP of that post managed to get it working.


I am getting some weird results. I also didn't want to hijack the other guys thread. So allow me to explain the situation.


Linux Mint 64bit

Kerbal Space Program 64bit

i5 @ 4.2ghz | 680gtx | 16gb RAM


Case #1:

Nvidia Control Panel Anti-Aliasing: ON*

Kerbal Space Program in-program Anti-Aliasing: OFF

* = AA enabled by profile below:




Result of Case #1: http://i.imgur.com/wrRAphr.jpg


Case #2:

Nvidia Control Panel Anti-Aliasing: OFF + Untouched

Kerbal Space Program in-program Anti-Aliasing: ON, all settings to their highest in-game value

Result of Case #2: http://i.imgur.com/nl69qJH.jpg


The problem:

Case #2 looks a lot better than Case #1. The issue is that it is supposed to be the other way around. Case #1 should look much better than #2 because #2 is not even supposed to work in the first place!

Can anybody point out what I did wrong? Thank you so much in advance.

Edited by OddFunction
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Hey it's me, the 'other guy'.

Somehow you definitely have AA (or something doing a similar job!) working in Case 2. And your UI is massive, somehow.

In Case 2, do you have the application profile completely deleted?

What driver version?

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  0Kev said:
Hey it's me, the 'other guy'.

Somehow you definitely have AA (or something doing a similar job!) working in Case 2. And your UI is massive, somehow.

In Case 2, do you have the application profile completely deleted?

What driver version?

Driver version 331.113

The reason my UI is massive is because I use a lower resolution. My eyes aren't the best and I needed the UI to be bigger so I compromised on the 1080p. I've noticed resolution doesn't make a tremendous amount of difference.

The profile was deleted in case 2, yes.

Right now I am playing with ingame AA enabled plus the profile setting. It looks pretty decent. Even if my settings aren't doing anything or technically shouldn't work lol


The only negative I've noticed is a drop in FPS... which I suppose means AA is working. I suppose that means I could mark this thread as solved :)

Edited by OddFunction
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I don't understand the Application profiles.

But if you go to the Antialiasing Settings in nvidia x server settings and choose "Override Application Settings", 4* (for me an a 570 and 660 it's ok, your card can probably do more), Anisotroping Filtering Override App. Settings again 4* and check Texture Sharpening, all should be well.

And switch AA off in KSP.

That should work ..


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  kemde said:
I don't understand the Application profiles.

But if you go to the Antialiasing Settings in nvidia x server settings and choose "Override Application Settings", 4* (for me an a 570 and 660 it's ok, your card can probably do more), Anisotroping Filtering Override App. Settings again 4* and check Texture Sharpening, all should be well.

And switch AA off in KSP.

That should work ..


As I am always up for an experiment, I will try this, and if I like what I see I will post back here.


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  • 4 weeks later...

/ * WARNING! My native language is Ukrainian, so in this text possible variety mistakes and strange phrases. * /

Initially, I used a method similar to that suggested by kemde, but since I play games released by Valve (they respond to the option "override application settings" turning black screen), so I had to find a way through the "Application Profiles".

Create a new rule


Enter name of the process that will be intercepted by the driver


Create a profile for the rule


Add setting "GLFSAAMode"


And now a little non-obvious - variable is automatically replaced by a type if it is assigned the value of a different type.

The value is chosen from the observation of a change in the configuration file /home/* your user */.nvidia-settings-rc




It remains only to update the rule, and save your changes. At the exit I got 4x msaa which does not affect other applications.


P.s. Perhaps promptly inserted a lot of screenshots, but detailed :)

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