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CNNs end-of-the-world video


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a few months old already, but i did not find it posted here already...

CNN has a video prepared to be aired when the world ends.

Seriously. Not a joke.

John Oliver of LastWeekTonight reviews it, in his usual manner, and proposes a new one instead. (starting 02:33)

Seriously? His one is better.

Honestly, I had chills running down my spine when I watched it...

Quite honestly! It haunts me... Not a joke. :blush:





does this work in britain?

i have to stop watching this... *watery-eyes* (still not joking)

Edited by heng
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Can see it quite fine in Ireland.

I have to say it's optimistic of them to assume that when the world ends,

a: CNN will still be broadcasting, and

b: People will want to watch CNN in their final moments

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  pxi said:
Can see it quite fine in Ireland.

I have to say it's optimistic of them to assume that when the world ends,

a: CNN will still be broadcasting, and

b: People will want to watch CNN in their final moments

Yea, that ^

I rarely 'watch' CNN as it is, only a few minutes of it to see what manner of opposing tripe they're spewing. They're right up there [or should I say down there] next to MSNBC. Might I add that around here, CNN is referred to as the "Communist News Network"... and long before that, the "Cornball News Network".

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  pxi said:
b: People will want to watch CNN in their final moments
  LordFerret said:
Yea, that ^
  CelticCossack51 said:
I also find it terrifying that the last broadcast I would see, [...] is a marching band playing a sad song filmed from a 90's potato.


What _would_ you want to see in the final moments of humankinds existence?

Assume a scenario fitting for the context. I.e. "moments away from total annihilation"... e.g. the Hard Rain from 'Seveneves', KT-sized asteroid approaching, sun going nova... etc. all or most of humanity is still alive and functioning, but will soon cease to be. No heroes on the horizon, no mad scramble for survival, just plain old oblivion awaiting.

What would you feel appropriate to be aired on TV/Radio/Internet/Twitter?

- business as usual?

- commercials?

- bill nye explaining in detail why it happens?

- morgan freeman laughing manically?

- bruce willis on his way to the launchpad?

- football?

Personally? I think LWT's version is near perfect!

And "standing outside in nature with my loved one(s)" is not a valid answer here :)

PS: not meant to be understood as criticism! i am genuinely curious.

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  heng said:
What would you feel appropriate to be aired on TV/Radio/Internet/Twitter?

If we're talking me specifically, it'd probably be GRRM explaining how his book series ends.

If by some minor miracle GRRM has actually finished his book series by the time this has happened, or we are talking about something that's of general utility to humanity at large; a simple test card, saying "WE'RE F###ED - GO HUG YOUR FAMILY".

Although you say,

  heng said:
And "standing outside in nature with my loved one(s)" is not a valid answer here :)

...You do have to consider why this is such a cliche. Personally I think it's an entirely valid response to the end of the world.

If we just want something that people will look at and think, "yeah that's pretty cool", I'd suggest the Daigo parry, aka EVO moment #37:

Edited by pxi
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What would I want to see in the final moments of humanity's existence?

My reflection laughing maniacally in the window of my kick-ass escape spaceship as I watch the idiotic masses suffer the consequences of their lifetimes of irresponsible despotism.

Then perhaps the face of the lover I'd bring along with me so we can try and make a better civilization somewhere else, far, far away.

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I'd like Carl Sagan's "Pale blue dot" speech to be broadcast at the end of the world. It's especially fitting if we cause the end the world. So as the first Nuke hits, everyone hears Carl Sagan say:

"In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves"

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  One-Way Films said:
I'd like Carl Sagan's "Pale blue dot" speech to be broadcast at the end of the world. It's especially fitting if we cause the end the world. So as the first Nuke hits, everyone hears Carl Sagan say:

"In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves"

I like this answer.

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