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Will KSP work on Windows 10

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So with the upcoming release of windows 10, june 29th, i was wondering will KSP still run on it as in backwards compatibility.

Mods if this is in the wrong section please move.

I can't imagine a reason why it wouldn't. I remember upgrading from XP to 7, and from Windows Vista to 7, and both times my games started right up. Some of the oldest ones required compatability mode to be checked in the properties window, but that was for like 2D games, so I can't imagine you'd have to do that for KSP.

It may take awhile for graphics drivers to be as good as they are on windows 7 though. I know it usually takes them a couple revisions to get it right.

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It should work just fine, Windows 10 is essentially Windows 8 with a better GUI.

No more so than Windows 8 was Windows 7 with a (different) GUI. Actually, probably less, now that MS has actually updated the internal numbering system again and "Windows 10" is looking like it will actually be version 10.0 (Vista was 6.0, 7 was 6.1, 8 was 6.2, 8.1 was 6.3 and earlier versions of 10 reported 6.4).

In fact, that change of major version number from 5 to 6 in the XP->Vista jump was one of the prime reasons for that OSs compatability issues - a very large number of apps out there just freaked out when they saw a version number that wasn't 5. We might be in for a similar round of issues with Win10 now that it's happening again. Doubtless there are plenty of developers out there who haven't learned.

I'm running it just fine on Windows 10 build 10130.

What's that report as internally? I think 9xxx builds were still showing as 6.4 in system properties. If that version's showing 10.0 and running KSP fine, I'd be confident in saying "I'll be fine". I'd be pretty confident of that anyway, but that'd make me more so ;)

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What's that report as internally? I think 9xxx builds were still showing as 6.4 in system properties. If that version's showing 10.0 and running KSP fine, I'd be confident in saying "I'll be fine". I'd be pretty confident of that anyway, but that'd make me more so ;)

The "ver" command reports "Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10130]".

I am running a standalone installation (not through Steam), with an NVIDIA GTX960, and I have had no problems.

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