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ever wanted a really fast, easy to use and safe way to bring crew or cargo to LKO? want no more!

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...because the RP4-Hyperspike is here! Using the newly discovered rapierspike technology (thankyou to who discovered this, i cant remember who) and a futuristic looking low drag airframe, the hyperspike can get to mach 4.4 at altitude! which then makes the use of oxidizer in the atmosphere brief and minimal. it can take 8 kerbals or any cargo that fits in its bay (i didnt make a cargo version but it could easily be done by swapping the crew cabins for a long mk2 cargo bay) the crew version can have over 800 delta v in orbit! (depending on how you fly of course)

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Parts: 79

Hight: 2.6m

Width 8.4m

Length: 21.9m

Wet/dry mass in metric tons: 40.1/18.8

Engines: 4x Rapier

Electrical power: 2x small fuel cells


hotkeys: 1.rapier mode 2.start fuel cells 3.stop fuel cells

Easy as hell, i dont even need to put steps here, just fly up at 45 degrees and when it's 10000m flatten out and go like a bat out of hell. get t0 around 1500m/s then switch rapier mode, set to desired apoapsis, coast, then circularise, and then do your shiz. to get home, set periapsis to 40000m above the peninsula thing east across the ocean from ksc. pitch 45 degrees up, reentry will be flameless. then simply glide onto the runway!

.craft file http://kerbal.curseforge.com/shareables/231419-rp4-hyperspike-ssto-spaceplane

Enjoy yourselves!

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