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The Steam dilemma

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So like most people playing KSP I've been modding it a lot.

I am running a copy of KSP so It does not auto update and screw all my mods. The thing is I really like the steam tools, specially the screenshot saver and the fact that you dont need to tab out to talk with friend access browser etc.

Is there any work around the auto update option? "only update this game when I launch it".

Any code in the "set launch option" i could add so the game doesnt auto update?

How do you guys deal with this?

Should i just abandon the idea of steam not auto updating my game and run with a seperate folder?


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I haven't jumped on the mod bandwagon myself.

I also like to play from within Steam because it provides an FPS overlay. (This really needs to be available in game.) Since I'm not modding, it doesn't bother me much to keep KSP on the update fast track. I also have had to disable the Steam screen shot F key so that bringing up the debug menu doesn't make a screen shot.

A quick read of Steam's "Do No Automatically Update" setting seems to indicate that it is fraught with inconsistency and downright bugginess, unless you want to keep your game up to date. That has got to be frustrating.

Toward that end, I think you're best off copying KSP out of the Steam structure so that your copy has your mods and you know that things won't be getting changed.

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KSP, luckily, not integrated into Steam.

So, you can launch game either by direct execution of KSP.exe from any shell you use, or by creation of link on your desktop.

I still use 0.9, and my Steam game list shows KSP as "Needs updating", since I configured it to "Update on launch".

Sadly, there is no option in Steam like "Update this game only on direct order", so you must be careful to not accidentally start KSP from Steam.

Also, I make backups, including full game backups. Laws of my country state, that I can make backups of software I licensed, and law have precedence over contract.

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