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Invisible wall at 4km altitude at Pol

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The only mod I have installed is the cryogenic engines pack, and I wasn't even using them on this mission.

I sent a probe to complete an exploration contract on Pol, I decided to start the descent immediately without pressing F5 :-(

transfer stage was detached, began breaking burn at 5000m or around there, was still travelling at 120m/s at 4000m when everything explodes

I looked in the mission log which informed me that my probe impacted the surface, even though I was nowhere near the surface.

I have no idea how this could be related to cryogenic engines, and it seems to me that the collision model for Pol has been loaded incorrectly or something, 4000m is as high as some peaks on the surface and this would explain it.

Also I landed on Bop earlier and no issues presented themselves and I've landed so far in my campaign, with no issues on Ike, Duna (well crashed more or less but I hit the actual ground when this happened), Moho, Eve, Bop and of course the Mun, Minmus and Kerbin.


- - - Updated - - -

So not all was lost, since I figured I had by all rights conquered Pol, fairly I decided to complete the contract with my nearby Bop probe and Infinite fuel hacks. I wouldn't normally do this but the game cheated me so I cheated back

Also I threw out the whole Cryogenic engines pack which contained resources mods, so I figured maybe it had something to do with the mods after all.

Anyway long story short, I put the mods in the trash and Pol was no longer bugged

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Pol and Bop are known for having very buggy collision meshes. I doubt it was the mod, and there's not much you can do to stop the bug other than be lucky while landing and don't go to fast with rovers on the surface. It's been an issue for ages.

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