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Save file editing help

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I have recently designed my first module for a duna base. As it has three 2,5m service bays and 6 docking ports it is very kraken friendly. It doesn´t help that I play on a mac that crashes every 10 minutes. I finally got the piece of s**t to orbit after two days of bugs, so relaunching is not an option. When I got it to space I noticed that one of my docking ports are attached the wrong way.

Can you forum gurus help me edit my save file so i can turn the docking port the right way round? I have included the code of the faulty part from the save file. It is not supposed to be docked to anything.

name = dockingPort2
cid = 4293826132
uid = 3325031882
mid = 1862789253
launchID = 42
parent = 130
position = -3.56958675384521,-10.7584800720215,-2.05361700057983
rotation = 0.6123726,0.3537608,-0.3533464,0.612372
mirror = 1,1,1
symMethod = Radial
istg = 8
dstg = 8
sqor = -1
sepI = 2
sidx = -1
attm = 1
srfN = srfAttach, 130
attN = None, -1
attN = None, -1
mass = 0.05
temp = 293.47182531741
expt = 0.5
state = 0
connected = True
attached = True
flag = Squad/Flags/NASA
rTrf = dockingPort2
modCost = 0
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = Docked (dockee)
dockUId = 2614471886
dockNodeIdx = 0
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Undock
guiName = Undock
category = Undock
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Undock
guiName = Undock
category = Undock
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Decouple Node
guiName = Decouple Node
category = Decouple Node
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = True
guiActive = False
guiIcon = Set as Target
guiName = Set as Target
category = Set as Target
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 200
externalToEVAOnly = False
active = False
guiActive = False
guiIcon = Unset Target
guiName = Unset Target
category = Unset Target
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 200
externalToEVAOnly = False
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Enable Crossfeed
guiName = Enable Crossfeed
category = Enable Crossfeed
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Disable Crossfeed
guiName = Disable Crossfeed
category = Disable Crossfeed
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = True
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Control from Here
guiName = Control from Here
category = Control from Here
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = None
actionGroup = None

Edited by Spacelord VoldeMorten
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I did that in a different context. My Minmus station had a docking port Sr the wrong way. When I detached the transfer stage, the docking port stayed on it...

What I did :

- Backup files

- Fix the station in the VAB, put it in the launchpad.

- Save

- Edit the save and locate the docking ring part,

- You have to remove the wrong part, but first check the CID, UID and MID

- Copy the correct part and copy the CID* and MID** (I think you don't need the UID)

- Save and test.

* and ** I think its an identifier for the ship and for the parent part.

I got it at the first try.

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I did that in a different context. My Minmus station had a docking port Sr the wrong way. When I detached the transfer stage, the docking port stayed on it...

What I did :

- Backup files

- Fix the station in the VAB, put it in the launchpad.

- Save

- Edit the save and locate the docking ring part,

- You have to remove the wrong part, but first check the CID, UID and MID

- Copy the correct part and copy the CID* and MID** (I think you don't need the UID)

- Save and test.

* and ** I think its an identifier for the ship and for the parent part.

I got it at the first try.

I second this approach. Use the old ship stats until you hit module definition. Replace that with the data from a freshly launched craft. Set fuel levels and merge in any desired crew and science module entries.

I've done this to fix a few kraken attacks on nuclear klaw tugs. I always back up before and right after grapple to enable this. Also fixed a ladder that was a few cm too far from the materials bay it was to grant access to.

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