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[0.15 Stock] Jeb's vintage (jet) biplane

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Now that the runway at Kerbal Space Center is officially open, Jeb has pulled his vintage biplane out of storage so that he has something to terrify his co-workers (or any unsuspecting bystanders) with during his off hours.




I started designing this aircraft simply because of how much the Radial Engine Body resembles the cowl of old radial piston engines. It became an interesting challenge due to weight distribution. Trying to make something resembling an old biplane while having almost nothing up front and the weight of a jet engine in the tail was tricky to say the least.

Flight Notes: Before takeoff apply some pitch up trim (ALT+S) as it is nose-heavy at full load to account for the eventual CG shift as fuel is used. It is a tail-dragger, but takeoff isn\'t too difficult. At the speed the gear starts to get squirrely (80 m/s or so) you can lift off if you haven\'t already. Important: It starts to get unstable after about a third of the fuel tank is gone (Jeb loves this part). At this point and beyond you should only apply small pitch inputs. If you give it a strong pitch down input you may not live to regret it.

Anyways, enjoy!

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Ever considered fitting it with actual propeller? I\'ve recently discovered Damned Aerospace and I\'m having a lot of fun with it.

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That would make it too easy! Where\'s the fun in doing it the non-Kerbal way?

Also, I\'m a stock purist, and I figured other stock purists might find it fun to mess with too.

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Okay, you inspired me to make a triplane. I copied the look you used. It turned out to be one of the most fun planes to fly that I\'ve ever built. It\'s not pure stock though, I used some liquid boosters from NovaPunch 1.2 (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.msg47107#msg47107) instead of a jet engine in the back and it helped with the stabilization issues.

It flies really well even without ASAS. It\'s very maneuverable which is why it\'s so fun to fly. Don\'t go full throttle. It tends to handle best under 80 m/s.




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You could try fitting an engine on backwards at the nose, which is sometimes possible via glitches in the HVAB.....

Considering you can rotate parts in any direction with WSADQE, there\'s no need to glitch anything.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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