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fine adjustments of wings on space plane

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Looking to get some horizontal wings at the top of the body, on the bottom, and then possibly another set in the middle. Trying to make a tri-plane almost. Problem is, when I try to put the wings on the top I don't know how to adjust them so they stay at the point but angle down to be horizontal.


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If you hold down the Shift key, you can rotate your parts in 5-degree increments. Similarly, Shift reduces the snap increments on the Rotation gizmo, allowing you greater precision when rotating the parts after placing them.

Remember that there are three different axes of rotation: QE, AD, and WS. I don't think there's anybody who can tell you which axis matches which pair of keys, so try 'em all - and remember that Space resets the part's rotation to default.

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The other method not mentioned yet, and which I usually do, is to place them at the location you want, even though they are angled, and then use the rotation tool to rotate them horizontally. So place them where you want first. Then press number 3 on the keyboard or click with the mouse on the rotation tool, then click on the wings and you'll get a rotation gizmo.

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