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How do I get a Space Shuttle into Orbit?

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So I decided to try and make a Space Shuttle rip-off, because I want to be able to get 2.5m parts into orbit with at least some reusability once I get to that point in Career Mode. Unfortunately for me, Mk3 SSTO's seem impossible to properly design for me, especially with how much harder it is to make SSTO's in general since 1.0. And I happen to like designing things that look somewhat realistic, rather than stuff that look ugly and/or rely on clipping excessive amounts of parts into each other. So I decided to try and build something of a Space Shuttle to ferry 2.5m parts to orbit!

The problem for me, however, is getting a ship like that into orbit. I've designed the actual shuttle part where the crew and cargo go, but I can't seem to make anything that can carry it to orbit. You guys happen to have any tips for getting it to orbit?

Here's a pic of it and the craft file, if that helps somehow.



Do keep in mind, I may want to try an add more monopropellant to this design, because I'm not sure it has enough for an orbital insertion burn, rendezvous with a station in a 150 km orbit, docking, and re-entry.

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Can we just sticky a thread on STS recreation? These questions get asked every few weeks.

OMS dV will be dependent what sub-orbital trajectory your external tank gets you. At minimum you need 300 (ideal sub-orbital to 75²) + 400 (conservative transfer budget) + 30 (75² to 75x45) for around 800 dV; about 500 dV with payload.

A majority of your dV will come from the main engines and external tank. You want good atmospheric performance, better than unity TWR full, around 3 km/s dV, and significantly less engine torque than reaction wheels and gimbal can correct at all fuel levels and payload configurations.

Once you have that, add SRBs for launch TWR and rebalance everything to minimize engine torque again.

Both RCS build aid and KER will be indespensible in design.

In all, designing a STS replica is harder than a SSTO. If you want a staged space plane, I recommend emulating Dream Chaser or symmetrical shuttle concepts. Even Buran is easier to emulate!

The other fun thing is you can't even match the (broken) economics of the shuttle regardless. IRL engines and control systems are the expensive bits. Tanks are dirt cheap comparatively. In KSP tanks are almost if not more expensive than the engines! The space plane advantage in KSP is landing site selection (for 100% recovery) and cargo bays instead of farings. (Bonus points: Mk3 bays are bugged) Dropping tanks is still dropping a significant part of launch cost.

Edited by ajburges
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